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Bare-metal crypto-system for an ARM-based secure embedded MCU

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An advanced embedded Key Management System

This project has been developed as part of the course Cybersecurity for Embedded Systems (Politecnico di Torino), held by prof. Paolo Prinetto, Gianluca Roascio and Nicoló Maunero. Its main aim has been the design of a cryptosystem based on an advanced Key management system for an ARM-based STM32F4-family core; the designed embedded system is able to receive commands from an host to execute in a secure and efficient way many cryptographical operations.

The system is currently implemented to be run on an emulated version of the STM32F429ZI core, executed by means of QEMU. The drivers (communication framework, non-volatile memory, ...) are adapted to such platform but can easily be modified due to the layered architecture of the software. The project also encompasses an host-side API to interface to the device and a thorough example of its use.

The full documentation of the project can be found in report.pdf, while further details about how to install and run it are available in the rest of this readme.


Prerequisites and dependencies needed to correctly install and run the system developed with this project are listed in the following:


To set up the execution environment, open Eclipse and import the project in the device directory with Import..., then Existing Projects into Workspace. Be sure to have correctly set up all the C/C++ compilation options, the include paths, the path of the ARM GCC toolchain, then build the project. In the root, launch

DEVICE_NUM=N make all

with the DEVICE_NUM variable set to whichever number of devices you want to have (default value is 2). It is important to build the device project in Eclipse before launching make all, since the compiled binary secube-proj.elf must exist in device/Debug and be updated.

The procedure will compile the host binary, an extensive host software example to send commands to the devices, and create the devices directories, to instantiate each individual device. Use instead the target make devices to only instantiate the multiple devices or make host to only compile the host program.

All the devices run the same source code contained in device, but their private data is managed independently from each other (i.e. their internal state, the communication channels channel_in and channel_out, the non-volatile memory nv_mem). You can manage device source code modifications directly from the project under device, then re-build the binary in Eclipse and make all (or make devices) to reflect the changes on all the devices instantiated for the execution, without having to re-instantiate them or reset their non-volatile memory.

How to run

To run the project, you have to make sure that the qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse binary is in your PATH variable. If it is not, you can either add it with

export PATH=path/to/qemu/binary:$PATH

or modify the QEMU_PATH variable in the top-level Makefile to point to such binary. After having set up the environment, you can run the desired device by launching

make run_device_ID

with ID set to its ID number (i.e. the number n in the name of its directory install/device_n). You can open a new terminal and run as many other devices as you want in parallel; every terminal will be running a different instance of QEMU, emulating a different device of your choice. To exit from QEMU type q in the terminal and then press ENTER.

To run the host software, launch

make run_host

This host software is an extensive example of all the key management and cryptographic functionalities that the designed device is able to offer; you will be prompted with a list of all the available commands to send to the device, while the software will take care of communicating with the device and managing the reply reception. You will also be asked for the parameters to customize the commands sent to the device, along with the data on which you want it to operate. In this process, you will be also able to select the device ID to which the command must be sent.

While the device is meant to be considered a black box upon which host APIs are built, you can take a look at the host main.c implementation to better understand how to interface to the device APIs provided by the host_cmds library (e.g. the data structures and the parameters that you have to provide to the device commands functions, how to manage and read the device reply).


The private files of each device (i.e. the buffers of their communication channels towards the host channel_in and channel_out and their non-volatile memory nv_mem) can be cleaned by launching the following command.

make clean_mem

Beware that this will completely wipe the KMS database memory and all the other data supposed to be in the device Flash memory.

The command

make clean

can be instead used to completely remove the devices instantiation (e.g. all the install/device_n directories) and, additionally, to clean the host project, which can also be managed independently from the host directory.


Bare-metal crypto-system for an ARM-based secure embedded MCU






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