Implementation of a REST API service using Java Spring Boot and MySQL. Unit tests have been implemented with Mockito and JUnit5 with WebTestClient, whereas Testcontainers have been used for the integration tests.
[REMINDER]: in order to get the tests running, you may have to change your MySQL user & password in the file. Otherwise, the MySQL Container will not launch.
GET /user
POST /user
PUT /user/{userId}
DELETE /user/{userId}
GET /user/{userId}
The DTO modeled is a representation of a basic user profile. It can be applied to any social media and has the following attributes available:
- userId (user's identificator)
- name (user's profile name)
- status (inactive, away, active, online)
- description (user's profile description/biography)
- initDate (Profile's creation date)
- lastModDate (Profile's last modification date)
- image (User's profile picture)