An overview of the IT projects of the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement.
This project is made with Tina CMS and with astro, with tailwind.
Install the project's dependencies:
yarn install
Run the project locally:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:4321/it-landscape/ with your browser to see the result.
Admin URL: http://localhost:4001/it-landscape/admin/index.html#/collections/service/~
if it starts reloading the page over and over again, open the menu and select a service, then it should stop.
Replace the .env.example
, with .env
NEXT_PUBLIC_TINA_CLIENT_ID=<get this from the project you create at>
TINA_TOKEN=<get this from the project you create at>
NEXT_PUBLIC_TINA_BRANCH=<Specify the branch with Tina configured>
Build the project:
yarn run tinacms build
To configure the Tina CMS and for troubleshooting with the build (sometimes it needs a reindex of the branch that is configured) go to the Tina App. Here you can also find or generate new tokens for local development. We are on a free plan so only two users are allowed. At the moment it's Olipo and Folletta that have a user.