scm4j-vcs-api is set of base classes and interfaces to build VCS support (Git, SVN, etc) libraries which exposes basic vcs-related operations: merge, branch create etc. scm4j-vcs-api provides:
- A simple interface to implement basic VCS-related operations
- Working copies management for operations which must be executed on a local file system
- Basic exposed interface which contains vcs-related methods
- Workspace Home
- Home folder of all vcs-related operations which are require to use local file system.
- Defined by IVCS-user side
- Repository Workspace
- A separate folder where Working Copies of one certain Repository will be located. Need to group few Working Copies used by one Repository into one folder. E.g. if there are Git and SVN version control systems then need to know which VCS type each Working Copy belongs to.
- Created and named automatically as repository url replacing all special characters with "_"
- Locked Working Copy, LWC
- A separate folder used to execute VCS-related operations which are need to be executed on a local file system. E.g. in Git it is need to make checkout somewhere on local file system before making a merge.
- Named automatically as uuid, located within Repository Workspace folder
- Can be reused for another vcs-related operation automatically. I.e. checked out once, then switches between branches.
- Deletes automatically if last VCS-related operation left the Working Copy in corrupted state, i.e. can not be reverted, re-checked out and so on
- Lock File
- A special empty file which is used to show if according LWC locked or free. If a Lock File has exclusive file system lock then the according LWC folder is considered as locked, otherwise as free
- Lock way:
new FileOutputStream(lockFile, false).getChannel.lock()
- named as "lock_" +
- Abstract Test
- Base functional tests of VCS-related functions which are exposed by IVCS. To implement functional test for a certain IVCS implementation (Git, SVN, etc) just implement VCSAbstractTest subclass
- Implemented as scm4j-vcs-test separate project
, Merge Result- Result of vcs merge operation. Could be successful or failed. Provides list of conflicting files if failed.
, Diff Entry- Result of VCS branches diff operation. Contains Diff type (added, modified, deleted) and unified diff string for a certain file which differs between branches
- Head, Head Commit, Branch Head
- The latest commit or state of a branch
- Master Branch
- "Master" for Git, "Trunk" for SVN etc
, Tag- Contains tag name, tag log message, tag author and
instance which represents the tagged commit
- Contains tag name, tag log message, tag author and
IVCS interface consists of few basic vcs functions. Note: null passed as a branch name is considered as Master Branch. Any non-null branch name is considered as user-created branch within conventional place for branches: any branch except "master" for Git, any branch within "Branches" branch for SVN etc. For SVN do not use "Branches\my-branch" as branch name, use "my-branch" instead.
void createBranch(String srcBranchName, String dstBranchName, String commitMessage)
- Creates a new branch named
from the Head ofsrcBranchName
. - commitMessage is a log message which will be attached to branch create operation if it possible (e.g. Git does not posts branch create operation as a separate commit)
- Creates a new branch named
VCSMergeResult merge(String srcBranchName, String dstBranchName, String commitMessage);
- Merge all commits from
attached VCSMergeResult.getSuccess() == true
- merge is successful
VCSMergeResult.getSuccess() == false
- Automatic merge can not be completed due of conflicting files
contains paths to conflicting files
- Heads of branches
are used
- Merge all commits from
void deleteBranch(String branchName, String commitMessage)
- Deletes branch with path
and attachescommitMessage
to branch delete operation if possible (e.g. Git does not posts branch delete operation as a separate commit)
- Deletes branch with path
void setCredentials(String user, String password)
- Applies credentials to existing IVCS implementation. I.e. first a IVCS implementation should be created, then credentials should be applied when necessary
void setProxy(String host, int port, String proxyUser, String proxyPassword)
- Sets proxy parameters if necessary
String getRepoUrl()
- Returns string url of current vcs repository
String getFileContent(String branchName, String fileRelativePath, String revision)
- Returns file content as a string using UTF-8 encoding.
is a path to file withinbranchName
branch- File state at
revision is used. Ifrevision
is null then Head state is used
VCSCommit setFileContent(String branchName, String filePath, String content, String commitMessage)
- Rewrites a file with path
within branchbranchName
with contentcontent
and appliescommitMessage
message to commit - Creates the file and its parent folders if doesn't exists
- Rewrites a file with path
VCSCommit setFileContent(String branchName, List<VCSChangeListNode> vcsChangeList)
- For each
: rewrites file with pathvcsChangeListNode.getFilePath()
within branchbranchName
with contentvcsChangeListNode.getContent()
- Single commit, commit message is all
strings joined with ", " - Creates files and its parent folders if aren't exist
- Returns null if
is empty
- For each
List<VCSDiffEntry> getBranchesDiff(String srcBranchName, String destBranchName)
- Returns list of
showing what was made within branchsrcBranchName
relative to branchdestBranchName
- Note: result could be considered as a commit which would be made on merging the branch
- Returns list of
Set<String> getBranches(String path)
- Returns list of names of all branches which are started from
. Branches here are considered as user-created branches and Master Branch. I.e. any branch for Git, "Trunk" and any branch within "Branches" branch (not "Tags" branches) for SVN etc path
processing- Git
- prefix of branch names to browse
- Assume we have following branches:
- branch_1
- branch_2
- new-branch
- then
will return [branch_1, branch_2]
- Assume we have following folders structure:
- branches/branch_1/folder
- branches/branch_2/folder
- branches/release/v1/folder
- branches/release/v2/folder
- branches/release/a2/folder
- branches/new-branch/folder
- branch_3/folder
- tags/
- trunk/
- new-branch
is empty - result is all first-level subdirst withinbranches/
-> [branch_1, branch_2, release, new-branch]
ends with "/" or empty - result is all first-level subdirs withinbranches/path
-> [v1, v2, a2]
does not ends with "/" - result is first-level subdirs withinbranches/path
dir up to the last slash which names starts withpath
dir from the last slash till end substringgetBranches("new-")
-> [new-branch]getBranches("release/v")
-> [v1, v2]
- Assume we have following folders structure:
- Git
- Returns list of names of all branches which are started from
List<VCSCommit> log(Sting branchName, Integer limit)
- Returns list of commits of branch
limited bylimit
in descending order
- Returns list of commits of branch
String getVCSTypeString
- Returns short name of current IVCS implementation: "git", "svn" etc
VCSCommit removeFile(String branchName, String filePath, String commitMessage)
- Removes the file with path
within branchbranchName
. Operation is executed as separate commit withcommitMessage
message attached. Note: filePath = "folder\file.txt" -> file.txt is removed, folder is kept. Returns resulting commit.
- Removes the file with path
List<VCSCommit> getCommitsRange(String branchName, String startRevision, String endRevision)
- Returns ordered list of all commits located between commits specified by
inclusively within branchbranchName
- If
is null then all commits up to commit specified byendRevision
inclusively are fetched - If
is null then all commits starting from commit specified bystartRevision
are fetched - If
are null then all commits are fetched
- Returns ordered list of all commits located between commits specified by
List<VCSCommit> getCommitsRange(String branchName, String startRevision, WalkDirection direction, int limit)
- Returns ordered list of
commits (0 is unlimited) starting from commit specified bystartRevision
in direction specified bydirection
- If
is null then all commits are fetched
- Returns ordered list of
VCSCommit getHeadCommit(String branchName)
- Returns
instance pointing to the head (last) commit of the branchbranchName
if the requested branch does not exists
- Returns
Boolean fileExists(String branchName, String filePath)
- Returns true if the file with path
exists in repository in branchbranchName
, false otherwise
- Returns true if the file with path
VCSTag createTag(String branchName, String tagName, String tagMessage) throws EVCSTagExists
- Creates a tag named
with log messagetagMessage
on a Head of branchbranchName
- Creates a tag named
List<VCSTag> getTags()
- Returns list of all tags
void removeTag(String tagName)
- Removes tag with name
- Removes tag with name
void checkout(String branchName, String targetPath, String revision)
- Checks out a branch
on a revisionrevision
into a local foldertargetPath
- Checks out a branch
List<VCSTag> getTagsOnRevision(String revision)
- returns list of all tags which are related to commit specified by
- returns list of all tags which are related to commit specified by
Let's assume we developing a multiuser server which has ability to merge branches of user's repositories. So few users could request to merge theirs branches of different repositories simultaneously. For example, Git merge operation consists of few underlying operations (check in\out, merge itself, push) which must be executed on a local file system in a certain folder. So we have following requirements:
- The simple way to allocate place for vcs operations execution
- Make this place "transactional", protecting this place of interfere from other vcs operations
- Reusing ability for the same Repository to prevent of checkout operation executions each time
Locked Working Copy is a solution which solves these requirements by providing a certain folder and guarantees that this folder will not be assigned to another LWC instance until its close()
method will be called
LWC usage scenario:
- Create Workspace Home instance providing path to any folder as Workspace Home folder path. This folder will contain repositories folders (if different vcs or repositories are used)
public static final String WORKSPACE_DIR = System.getProperty("") + "scm4j-vcs-workspaces";
IVCSWorkspace workspace = new VCSWorkspace(WORKSPACE_DIR);
- Obtain Repository Workspace from Workspace Home providing a certain Repository's url. The obtained Repository Workspace will represent a folder within Workspace Home dir which will contain all Working Copies relating to the provided VCS Repository
String repoUrl = "";
IVCSRepositoryWorkspace repoWorkspace = workspace.getVCSRepositoryWorkspace(repoUrl);
- Obtain Locked Working Copy from Repository Workspace when necessary. The obtained LWC will represent a locked folder within Workspace Repository. The folder is protected from simultaneously execute different vcs-related operations by another thread or even process. Use try-with-resources or try...finally to release Working Copy after vcs-related operations will be completed
try (IVCSLockedWorkingCopy wc = repoWorkspace.getVCSLockedWorkingCopy()) {
- Use
as folder for vcs-related operations - Do not use
instance after callingIVCSLockedWorkingCopy.close()
method because after closingIVCSLockedWorkingCopy
instance does not guarantees that according folder is not in use - Consider
values:- LOCKED
- current
represents a locked folder, i.e. a folder which is not used by otherIVCSLockedWorkingCopy
- current
method has been called. Corresponding folder is unlocked and could be used by otherIVCSLockedWorkingCopy
instance with this state should not be used anymore.
- If a Working copy can not be reused due of VCS system data damage (e.g. .git, .svn folders) or due of vcs Working Copy can not be cleaned, reverted, switched, checked out etc, execute
. LWC folder will be deleted on close. - Code snippet
public static final String WORKSPACE_DIR = System.getProperty("") + "scm4j-vcs-workspaces";
public static void main(String[] args) {
IVCSWorkspace workspace = new VCSWorkspace(WORKSPACE_DIR);
String repoUrl = "";
IVCSRepositoryWorkspace repoWorkspace = workspace.getVCSRepositoryWorkspace(repoUrl);
try (IVCSLockedWorkingCopy wc = repoWorkspace.getVCSLockedWorkingCopy()) {
// wc.getFolder() is locked folder
- Workspace Home folder (e.g. c:\temp\scm4j-vcs-workspces)
- Repository Workspace 2 (e.g. \https_github_com_scm4j\
- Working Copy 1
- Branch1 is checked out, merging executes
- Working Copy 2
- branch creating executes
- ...
- Working Copy 1
- Repository Workspace 2 (e.g. \c_svn_file_repo)
- Working Copy 1
- ...
- ...
- Repository Workspace 2 (e.g. \https_github_com_scm4j\
A special Lock File is created on IVCSLockedWorkingCopy
instance creation and placed beside the LWC folder which been locking. This file is keeping opened with exclusive lock so any other process (from local or remote PC) can not open it again. So to check if a LWC folder is free it is need to try to lock according Lock File. If success then the according folder was free and can be assigned to current IVCSLockedWorkingCopy
instance. Otherwise folder is locked and we need to check other folders. If there are no folders left then new folder is created and locked.
So actually a Lock File is locked, not the LWC folder itself.
Lock way: new FileOutputStream(lockFile, false).getChannel.lock()
- Add github-hosted scm4j-vcs-api and scm4j-vcs-test projects as maven artifacts using As an example, add following to file:
This will include VCS API (IVCS, LWC) and Abstract Test to your project. Also you can download release jars from,
allprojects { repositories { maven { url "" } } } dependencies { // versioning: master-SNAPSHOT (lastest build, unstable), + (lastest release, stable) or certain version (e.g. 1.0) compile 'com.github.scm4j:scm4j-vcs-api:+' testCompile 'com.github.scm4j:scm4j-vcs-test:+' }
- Implement IVCS interface
- IVCS implementation should be separate object which normally holds all VCS-related data within
- Normally IVCSRepositoryWorkspace instance is passed to constructor and stored within IVCS implementation.
- All VCS-related operations must be executed within a folder associated with IVCSLockedWorkingCopy in LOCKED state. That guarantees that the folder will not be used by another VCS operations simultaneously. Call
to obtain LWC when necessary - Use
to get a folder for vcs-related operations - Note: if
was called then IVCSLockedWorkingCopy.close() must be called. LWCclose()
call is checked by Abstract Test
public class GitVCS implements IVCS { IVCSRepositoryWorkspace repo; public GitVCS(IVCSRepositoryWorkspace repo) { this.repo = repo; } @Override public void createBranch(String srcBranchName, String newBranchName, String commitMessage) { try { try (IVCSLockedWorkingCopy wc = repo.getVCSLockedWorkingCopy()) { // execute branch create } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // ... }
- Throw exceptions from scm4j.vcs.api.exceptions package. Abstract Test checks throwning of these exceptions.
- Implement functional tests
- Create VCSAbstractTest subclass within test package, implement all abstract methods
- Normally test class should not include any test, just @After and @Before methods. All necessary functional testing is implemented within VCSAbstractTest
- See scm4j-vcs-test for details
- Example of gradle usage to export IVCS implementation, its sources and javadoc as separate single JARs:
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc.destinationDir
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar
archives javadocJar
After that the gralde build
command will produce 3 JARs.