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 ┌──────┐  ┌──────┐  ┌──────┐
 │ Key1 │  │ Key2 │  │ Key3 │
 └──────┘  └──────┘  └──────┘
    │          │          │
    │          │          │
 ┌──┴───┐  ┌──┴───┐  ┌──┴───┐
 │ Val1 │  │ Val2 │  │ Val3 │
 └──┬───┘  └──┬───┘  └──┬───┘
    │          │          │
    │          │          │
┌───┴────┐ ┌───┴────┐ ┌───┴────┐
│ Hash1  │ │ Hash2  │ │ Hash3  │
└────────┘ └────────┘ └────────┘

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overview 综述

This is a hash table that meets STL requirements and its source is [CS106L-22winter-assignment3]


According to veteran C++ programmers, there are two projects which bring together all the knowledge that a proficient C++ programmer should have:

根据资深 C++ 程序员的说法,有两个项目汇集了熟练的 C++ 程序员应具备的所有知识:

  • Implementing a STL-compliant template class; and 实现符合STL标准的模板类
  • Implementing a macro to hash string literals at compile-time. 实现一个宏以在编译时散列字符串文字。

In this assignment, we will be putting #1 on your resume by completing a STL-compliant HashMap.

在本次作业中,我们将通过完成符合 STL 的 HashMap 来为您的简历加一分。

what did I do 我做了什么

  • 我理解了代码的结构

  • 为之增加了const correctness

  • 增加copy assigenment的普通版本和移动语义版本

  • 增加operator= 的普通版本和移动语义版本

  • 修复析构函数内存溢出的bug

  • 修复测试用例关乎移动语义的未定义行为的bug

  • 根据,增加CMakeList

  • I understand the structure of the code

  • Added const correctness to it

  • Added normal version and move semantic version of copy assigenment

  • Added normal version and move semantic version of operator=

  • Fixed destructor memory overflow bug

  • Fixed a bug with undefined behavior of test cases related to move semantics

  • According to, add CMakeList

If you are intersted in this Proj 如果你对这个项目感兴趣

  • 去学CS106L

    • 特别地,和这个项目高度相关的内容是lec7lec13
  • Go and study CS106L

    • In particular, the contents that are highly relevant to this project are lec7 and [lec13](https ://

special thanks

  • 感谢我的朋友@wendyl42,ta帮我修复了一个在初学者看来复杂的问题

  • 感谢ChatGPT,它孜孜不倦地帮我复习已然生疏的C++语法

  • Thanks to my friend @wendyl42, he helped me fix a problem that seems complicated to a beginner

  • Thanks to ChatGPT, it worked tirelessly to help me review the unfamiliar C++ grammar.


cs106l lab02 hashmap






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