A system that helps to perform day to day activities of an office including attendance management, task management, leave management, complaint management, etc.
This system basically has two users, Administrator and Employee. Administrators controls all the activities of Employees.
Development Methodology:
Laravel Framework (version 5.0)
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
Twitter Bootstrap
Functions of Administrator includes:
Marking attendance of employees
Assigning tasks to employees
Viewing reports of employees
Broadcasting notice to everyone
Managing users
Edit profile
Functions of Employee includes:
Viewing attendance records of own
Viewing task records of own
Taking leave
Reporting complaints to the adminstrators
Edit profile
Here is the slide of my final year presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/sazanrjb/office-management-system-54479490
Need full documentation? (https://www.scribd.com/doc/296992403/Office-Management-System-Sajan-Rajbhandari)