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Releases: sassoftware/viya4-monitoring-kubernetes

1.2.29 - September 17th 2024

17 Sep 14:50
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Version 1.2.29 (16SEP2024)

  • Overall

    • [DOCUMENTATION] Reorganization of content to improve readability and flow.
    • [TASK] Updated links (within markdown files, dashboards, etc.) to reflect documentation reorganization
  • Logging

    • [CHANGE] Updated link to SAS documentation in the SAS Update Checker Report (within OpenSearch Dashboards) to be version-independent
  • Metrics

    • [FIX] Changed metric label (from 'CAS Version' to 'OS Version') on SAS CAS Overview dashboard (within Grafana) to reflect information displayed
    • [FIX] Replace deprecated oc serviceacounts get-token command in for OpenShift 4.16+

1.2.28 - August 13th 2024

13 Aug 17:44
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Version 1.2.28 (13AUG2024)

  • Logging
    • [UPGRADE] OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards upgraded from 2.12.0 to 2.15.0
    • [UPGRADE] Fluent Bit upgraded from 3.0.6 to 3.1.3

1.2.27 - July 16th 2024

16 Jul 20:54
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Version 1.2.27 (16JUL2024)

  • Overall

    • [FIX] Modified script to regenerate the root CA cert when renewing auto-generated certs
  • Metrics

    • [CHANGE] Grafana dashboards for RabbitMQ upgraded to newer versions
    • [CHANGE] All Grafana dashboards (maintained as part of this project) migrated to Grafana 11
    • [CHANGE] Some Grafana dashboards inherited from the Kube-Prometheus Stack Helm chart do not
      work with Grafana 11.x due to Angular migration or other issues. As a temporary fix, we have
      removed these dashboards and replaced them with our versions of them. This fix will be removed when these issues have been resolved.
    • [CHANGE] Sample of user-values-openshift-grafana.yaml added to generic-base sample
    • [CHANGE] Grafana is now deployed with the testFramework parameter set to false
    • [UPGRADE] Kube-Prometheus Stack Helm chart has been upgraded from 56.6.2 to 61.1.1.
    • [UPGRADE] Grafana Helm Chart (for OpenShift deployments) has been upgraded from 7.3.0 to 8.2.1.
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus Pushgateway Helm chart has been upgraded from 2.6.0 to 2.13.0.
    • [UPGRADE] Alertmanager has been upgraded from 0.26.0 to 0.27.0.
    • [UPGRADE] The config-reloader has been upgraded from 0.71.2 to 0.75.0.
    • [UPGRADE] Grafana has been upgraded from 10.3.3 to 11.1.0.
    • [UPGRADE] The k8s-sidecar has been upgraded from 1.25.4 to 1.26.1.
    • [UPGRADE] Kube-State-Metrics has been upgraded from 2.10.1 to 2.12.0.
    • [UPGRADE] Node-Exporter has been upgraded from 1.7.0 to 1.8.1.
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus has been upgraded from 2.49.1 to 2.53.0.
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus Operator has been upgraded from 0.71.2 to 0.75.0.
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus Pushgateway has been upgraded from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0.

1.2.26 - June 18th 2024

18 Jun 15:31
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Version 1.2.26 (18JUN2024)

  • Overall
    • [CHANGE] Eliminated use of --short option (deprecated in Kubernetes 1.28) from kubectl version commands
  • Logging
    • [SECURITY] Upgraded to Fluent Bit 3.0.6 to address critical security vulnerability (CVE-2024-4323)

1.2.25 - May 14th 2024

14 May 18:57
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Version 1.2.25 (14MAY2024)

  • Metrics

    • [CHANGE] New Grafana dashboard Perf/Analysis added
    • [CHANGE] Server-Side Apply now used in monitoring/bin/ script
  • Tracing

    • [UPGRADE] Upgraded Tempo from 2.2.0 to 2.4.1
    • [CHANGE] Performance enhancements made to Tempo configuration to handle more traces

1.2.24 - April 16th 2024

16 Apr 20:40
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Version 1.2.24 (16APR2024)

  • Metrics

    • [FIX] Connect to Grafana using https from auto-provisioning sidecar containers when TLS is enabled
  • Logging

    • [FIX] Corrected parser definition for Consul messages to eliminate ERROR/WARNING messages in Fluent Bit pod logs
    • [CHANGE] Added parser/processing for Redis log messsages
    • [CHANGE] Added parser/processing for Calico (CNI) log messsages
    • [UPGRADE] Upgraded OpenSearch/OpenSearch Dashboards from 2.10.0 to 2.12.0
    • [UPGRADE] Elasticsearch Exporter has been upgraded from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0

1.2.23 - March 19th 2024

19 Mar 21:03
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Version 1.2.23 (19MAR2024)

  • Overall

    • [CHANGE] Drop support for OpenShift 4.11; the minimum supported version of OpenShift is now 4.12.
    • [FIX] Revised samples/azure-deployment/ to remove obsolete information and bring content up-to-date. (Fixes #612)
  • Metrics

    • [ANNOUNCEMENT] In an upcoming release, we will be making a BREAKING CHANGE related to how the connection between Prometheus and
      Alertmanager is configured. Currently, we define the prometheusSpec.alertingEndpoints.* keys programmatically; but, after this change,
      we will expect users to provide this information when they define the ingress resources associated with the metric monitoring applications
      (e.g. Grafana, Prometheus and Alertmanger). This will consolidate the connection and ingress configuration in the same place, the
      $USER_DIR/monitoring/user-values-prom-operator.yaml file. This change will only be a BREAKING CHANGE when updating an existing deployment
      that uses ingress to reach the metric monitoring applications or when using an ingress configurations based on the previous ingress sample.
      The ingress sample has been updated to work with the new approach (see note below). If you do not update your configuration before the
      change is released, Prometheus will not be able to send alerts to Alertmanger after the change. The release of this change is tenatively
      scheduled for our 1.2.24 release (expected mid-April).
    • [FIX] Set environment variable MON_TLS_PATH_INGRESS to ensure correct datasource connection between Grafana
      and Promethues in Azure Deployment sample. (Fixes #614)
    • [CHANGE] Replaced the ghostunnel sidecar proxy with Grafana's native TLS capabilities and eliminated ghostunnel from the project.
    • [UPGRADE] Kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart has been upgraded from version 54.0.1 to 56.6.2
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus Operator has been upgraded from version 0.69.1 to 0.71.2
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus has been upgraded from version 2.47.1 to 2.49.1
    • [UPGRADE] Grafana has been upgraded from version 10.2.1 to 10.3.3
    • [UPGRADE] Grafana Helm Chart has been upgraded from version 7.0.4 to 7.3.0
    • [UPGRADE] K8s-sidecar has been upgraded from version 1.25.2 to 1.25.4
    • [UPGRADE] Kube-state-metrics has been upgraded from version 2.10.0 to 2.10.1
    • [UPGRADE] Pushgateway has been upgraded from version 1.6.2 to 1.7.0
    • [UPGRADE] Pushgateway Helm Chart has been upgraded from version 2.4.2 to 2.6.0
  • Logging

    • [FIX] Corrected comments referencing OpenSearch connection information in samples/generic-base/logging/user-values-es-exporter.yaml
      and logging/user-values-es-exporter.yaml.
    • [FIX] Corrected typo in logging/bin/ that prevented the script from executing properly.
    • [UPGRADE] Fluent Bit has been upgraded from version 2.1.10 to 2.2.2

1.2.22 - February 13th 2024

13 Feb 21:59
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Version 1.2.22 (13FEB2024)

  • Overall

    • [TASK] Refactored how container image and Helm chart version information is handled to permit automatically generating this information from files. Note
      that this change does NOT alter how users provide this information should they wish to change it. User should continue to include this information in the
      appropriate user values yaml file within their USER_DIR directory. However, specifying a Helm chart or container image version different than the default
      should rarely be necessary or appropriate.
  • Metrics

    • [ANNOUNCEMENT] In an upcoming release, we will be making a BREAKING CHANGE related to how the connection between Prometheus and
      Alertmanager is configured. Currently, we define the prometheusSpec.alertingEndpoints.* keys programmatically; but, after this change,
      we will expect users to provide this information when they define the ingress resources associated with the metric monitoring applications
      (e.g. Grafana, Prometheus and Alertmanger). This will consolidate the connection and ingress configuration in the same place, the
      $USER_DIR/monitoring/user-values-prom-operator.yaml file. This change will only be a BREAKING CHANGE when updating an existing deployment
      that uses ingress to reach the metric monitoring applications or when using an ingress configurations based on the previous ingress sample.
      The ingress sample has been updated to work with the new approach (see note below). If you do not update your configuration before the
      change is released, Prometheus will not be able to send alerts to Alertmanger after the change. The release of this change is tenatively
      scheduled for our 1.2.23 release (expected mid-March).
    • [CHANGE] The ingress samples have been updated to accomodate an upcoming, potentially breaking, change (see note above). These updated
      ingress samples can be used now, prior to the change being released, since they are compatible with both the existing and new behavior.
    • [FIX] Replaced obsolete container image name for OpenShift oauth proxy container
  • Logging

    • [REMOVAL] The script has been removed. The Event Router component it deployed
      is no longer actively developed and was replaced with a Fluent Bit deployment focused on collecting Kubernetes events in our 1.2.19 release.
  • Tracing

    • [FEATURE] By default, the Tempo datasource will now add the logs datasource connection so traces and logs can be connected.

1.2.21 - January 17 2024

17 Jan 21:56
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Version 1.2.21 (17JAN2024)

  • Metrics

    • [CHANGE] The KubeHpaMaxedOut alert has (effectively) been renamed KubeHpaMaxedOutMultiPod
    • [REMOVAL] Removed the Elasticsearch serviceMonitor from SAS Viya metric monitoring deployment.
  • Logging

    • [FEATURE] The utility for exporting logs via the command line has been moved to "production"
      from "experimental" status. Documentation for this optional Python-based tool is available in the
      SAS Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes Help Center.

1.2.20 - December 12th 2023

12 Dec 21:32
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Version 1.2.20 (12DEC2023)

  • Metrics

    • [CHANGE] Disabled init-chown-data initContainer that started with Grafana.
    • [FEATURE] Added a Grafana dashboard that monitors SAS Arke events.
    • [UPGRADE] Kube-prometheus-stack has been upgraded from version 48.3.2 to 54.0.1
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus has been upgraded from version 2.46.0 to 2.47.1
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus Operator has been upgraded from version v0.67.1 to v0.69.1
    • [UPGRADE] Grafana has been upgraded from version 10.0.3 to 10.2.1
    • [UPGRADE] Kube State Metrics has been upgraded from version 2.9.2 to 2.10.0
    • [UPGRADE] K8s-sidecar used with Grafana has been upgraded from version 1.25.0 to 1.25.2
    • [UPGRADE] Node Exporter has been upgraded from version 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
    • [UPGRADE] Prometheus Pushgateway has been upgraded from version 2.4.1 to 2.4.2
  • Logging

    • [UPGRADE] Upgraded OpenSearch/OpenSearch Dashboards from 2.8.0 to 2.10.0
    • [UPGRADE] Upgraded Fluent Bit (for log collection) from 2.1.4 to 2.1.10
    • [UPGRADE] Upgraded Elaticsearch Exporter from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
    • [REMOVAL] Removed the deprecated, experimental, script from repo. The Python-based script should be used instead.
    • [FIX] Corrected bug in that prevented it from working
  • Tracing

    • [FEATURE] Added node graph feature to Tempo data source in Grafana for more visualization options