Some utility decorators (function functions) for Coffeescript
Here is an example session
coffee> prf = require('./profiling.js') #Decorators useful for profiling
{ countcalls: [Function],
logexceptionargs: [Function] }
coffee> timing = require('./timing.js') #Decorators useful for benchmarking
{ timer: [Function],
logStart: [Function],
logEnd: [Function] }
coffee> mem = require('./memoized.js') #Decorators that accelerate execution by relying on cache tricks
{ memoized: [Function],
ttlCache: [Function] }
coffee> fib = (n) -> if n is 0 or n is 1 then n else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) #Simple fibonacci function, naive implementation, gets the point acro
#Let us create a timed version of a function in order to benchmark it
coffee> timedfib = timing.timer("Fib") fib
coffee> timedfib 10
Execution of Fib - 1ms
coffee> timedfib 30
Execution of Fib - 23ms
coffee> timedfib 40
Execution of Fib - 2569ms
#Memoizing function arguments in order to accelerate execution is a nice space/time tradeoff
coffee> fastfib = timing.timer("Fib") mem.memoized fib
coffee> fastfib 10
Execution of Fib - 0ms
coffee> fastfib 30
Execution of Fib - 26ms
coffee> fastfib 30
Execution of Fib - 0ms
coffee> fastfib 30
Execution of Fib - 6ms
coffee> fastfib 40
Execution of Fib - 2560ms
coffee> fastfib 40
Execution of Fib - 2ms
#Track how many times your function is being called
coffee> fib = prf.countcalls fib
coffee> fib 5
Function called 1 times
Function called 2 times
Function called 3 times
Function called 4 times
Function called 5 times
Function called 6 times
Function called 7 times
Function called 8 times
Function called 9 times
Function called 10 times
Function called 11 times
Function called 12 times
Function called 13 times
Function called 14 times
Function called 15 times