Bot that executes limit orders on, the decentralized leverage trading platform on Polygon.
- We recommend creating a specific address/wallet, otherwise it might create problems if you use the address the bot uses while it's running (nonce errors).
-> You can send all your NFTs to this new wallet using the block explorer, using the "transferFrom" function.
Links to the NFTs:
- Your wallet needs to hold a small amount of the Wrapped ERC677 LINK token
Because the "normal" LINK token on Polygon is an ERC20, and oracles only support the ERC677 version, you will need to convert your LINK tokens here:
Each request to trigger an order will cost 0.008 LINK (to pay our node operators for our real-time feed).
git clone
npm install
- Set WSS_URLS to your dedicated WSS endpoints (recommended, but ignore if you don't have any)
- Set PRIVATE_KEY to your account's private key (needed to sign the transactions)
- Set PUBLIC_KEY to your account's public key
npm start
Fork this repo to make your own one.
In heroku: New > Create new app > ...
Then use the following buildpacks (in Settings):
- heroku/nodejs
In Heroku: Settings > Reveal Config Vars > Add
- Connect Github to your account
- Deploy your main branch