A MS SQL Server interface layer for common requests. It uses mssql to connect and wraps it in a tiny layer using ES2015 promises with the goal to be simpler and compatible with pg via pg-cr-layer
$ npm install --save mssql-cr-layer
var mssqlCrLayer = require('mssql-cr-layer');
var config = {
user: 'me',
password: 'my password',
host: 'localhost',
port: 1433,
pool: {
max: 25,
idleTimeout: 30000
var layer = new MssqlCrLayer(config)
.then(function() {
return layer.execute('CREATE TABLE products ( ' +
'product_no integer, ' +
'name varchar(10), ' +
'price numeric(12,2) )');
.then(function() {
return layer.transaction(function(t) {
return layer
.execute('INSERT INTO products VALUES (1, \'Cheese\', 9.99)', null, {transaction: t})
.then(function() {
return layer.execute('INSERT INTO products VALUES (2, \'Chicken\', 19.99)', null, {transaction: t})
.then(function() {
return layer
.execute('INSERT INTO products VALUES ($1, $2, $3)', [3, 'Duck', 0.99], {transaction: t})
.then(function() {
return layer.query('SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_no=@product_no',
{product_no: {value: 1, type: 'integer'}}) // or just {product_no: 1}
.then(function(recordset) {
console.log(recordset[0]); // => { product_no: 1, name: 'Cheese', price: 9.99 }
.then(function() {
return layer.close();
.catch(function(error) {
MIT © Andre Gloria