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snx_rtsp_server help text

Keith Benoit edited this page May 21, 2017 · 1 revision
# **snx_rtsp_server --help**
snx_rtsp_server: invalid option -- -
Usage :
     snx_rtsp_server [-a] [-j mjpeg_qp] [-m] [-P RTSP port][-T RTSP/HTTP port][-Q queueSize] [-M groupaddress] [-b bitrate] [-W width] [-H height] [-F fps] [-i isp_fps] [device]
     -Q length: Number of frame queue  (default 10)
     RTSP options :
     -u url     : unicast url (default unicast)
     -m url     : multicast url (default multicast)
     -M addr    : multicast group   (default is a random address)
     -P port    : RTSP port (default 554)
     -T port    : RTSP over HTTP port (default 0)
     V4L2 options :
     -F fps     : V4L2 capture framerate (default 30)
     -i isp_fps : ISP capture framerate (default 30)
     -W width   : V4L2 capture width (default 1280)
     -H height  : V4L2 capture height (default 720)
     V4L2 H264 options :
     -b bitrate : V4L2 capture bitrate kbps(default 1024 kbps)
     -g gop     : V4L2 capture gop (default 30 )
     device     : V4L2 capture device (default /dev/video1)
     V4L2 MJPEG options :
     -j mjpeg_qp : MJPEG streaming and qp (default is 60)
     -c capture path enable (default is disable)
     -s encoder scale (1/2/4) (default is 1)
     -a         : enable A-law pcm streaming
     H264 example : snx_rtsp_server -a -Q 5 -u media/stream1 -P 554
     MJPEG example : snx_rtsp_server -W 640 -H 480 -j 120 -Q 5 -u media/stream1 -P 554