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nik-os edited this page Sep 19, 2014 · 2 revisions

We create class \samson\activerecord\dbQuery for writing database queries. dbQuery() is shortcut for receiving \samson\activerecord\dbQuery object instance.


  • cond([attribute], [value], [relation] ) - add condition to query
    • [atribute] - attribute name in the search term
    • [value] - attribute value in the search term
    • [relation] - type of relations between the arguments of conditional group of the query to the database. Constatnt of class \samson\activerecord\dbRelation. Default - dbRelation::EQUAL;
  • exec() - execute request to DB and return array of query result. If we set parametr

$result = array(); dbQuery('tableName')->exec($result);

Function returns ```true``` or ```false``` dependent on result of the query and set to ```$result``` query result.
It usefull in ```if``` constructions, such as

$result = array(); if (dbQuery('tableName')->exec($result)) { //doing something with query result }

* ```first()``` - doing the same as ```exec()```, but it return the first record from query result.
* ```order_by([attribute], [direction])``` - add sort parametr to request
* ```group_by([attribute])``` - add ```GROUP BY``` to request
* ```fields()``` - 
* ```join()``` -
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