Following Jorge Castro's lead and making my own spin on Silverblue
This bootstrapping process helps get the public keys onto your machine and makes sure everything is configured right.
From another Silverblue based image, first, rebase onto the unverified image.
rpm-ostree rebase
Optional: Manually verify that the image you just rebased onto is signed.
$ wget -O - \
| cosign verify --key /dev/stdin$( \
rpm-ostree status \
| head -n 7 \
| grep -o 'sha256:[a-f0-9]\{64\}' \
If the above command fails (returns with a non-zero exit code), then you should abort the rebase
rpm-ostree cleanup --pending
Assuming it succeeded, then reboot: systemctl reboot
After that, rebase onto the signed image.
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://
Google does something weird with their keys for signing RPMs. They add new subkeys every year or so and start signing with that. The subkey When things start breaking eventually, get the new key with:
wget -O overlay-root/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/google-linux-public-key.asc
The resulting container images are signed by Cosign. The keys were generated with the following command:
$ GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)" COSIGN_PASSWORD="$(head -c 33 /dev/urandom | base64)" cosign generate-key-pair github://samhclark/custom-silverblue --output-file
Password written to COSIGN_PASSWORD github actions secret
Private key written to COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY github actions secret
Public key written to COSIGN_PUBLIC_KEY github actions secret
Public key also written to
The key is included in the image at /etc/pki/cosign/
You can also download the key with:
The SHA-256 checksum of the key that I originally created on October 18, 2024 is
$ sha256sum