Pop'n Music is a music simulation game produced by KONAMI.
This project is about making an arcade like, portable controller for the Pop'n Music game. The controller is designed to be connected to PC through USB. The buon push emulates keyboard key hits. (How to obtain the game to run on PC is out of topic)
Visit the album to see some action shots.
The files here are contains all of the design - hardware and software.
- Mechanical Design A convertible stand design for holding the big buttons, designed to be made from acrylic (Plexiglas) and laser cut. This contains all the design source file and output.
- Firmware Source code of the AVR Firmware to be loaded into any LUFA supported device, to translate button pushes into keyboard keystrokes. It is a Keyboard HID and requires no driver for most OS.
The firmware is to translate button pushes as USB keyboard key press for PC. If you want to hook this up to Playstation, you don't need this firmware. You should deassemble a PS controller and hook it up instead.
The firmware can be compile for any LUFA supported dev board, such as minimus. Please refer to the LUFA website for supported models. Dev boards are usually sold at around 10 to 20 USD.
It is to be compiled with GCC + avr-libc. WinAVR is such a toolchain for Windows. Upon connect, it requires no driver operate as it works as a keyboard device.
The buttons are to Port B pin 0 to pin 7, and Port C pin 7 from left to right.
- On the microswitch: connect the Normal Open lead to the MCU, common lead to the GND.
- On the button LED: connect positive lead to Vcc, negative lead to Normal Open of the microswitch. This assume the LED component has a built-in resistor inside (Those I bought does include a 300-ohm connected in series). The Vcc could be powered by 9V to 12V, as well as from the USB 5V directly except that it might not be bright enough.
Each button push would generate a key press signal of 1 to 9 accordingly.
See album
Acrylic parts material + laser cutting: 30 USD Minimus USB dev board: 10 USD Buttons (LED + Microswitch included): 25 USD Being able to play Pop'n Music with authentic controller: Priceless
Wires, soldering tools, etc. are not included.
Pop'n Music是一套由KONAMI發行的音樂模擬遊戲。
這個專案是關於制作一個可與街機大小相比,但相對方便收納的控制器。控制器是以USB方式與電腦連接,按鍵會模擬成鍵盤按鈕一樣。(至於怎樣取得PC上運行的Pop'n Music版本則是題外話)
這裏提供了整件成品的所有文檔 - 硬件和軟件。
- Mechanical Design - 硬件機械設計 一個可分拆的腳架,當然是用來固定按鈕用的。設計上是以亞克力 (又名亞加力、有機玻璃)為材,以激光切割製成。這有了所有的設計原文件和輸出圖檔。
- Firmware AVR固件的原代碼,適用於所有支持LUFA架構的AVR開發版,用以將按鍵訊號轉成USB鍵盤訊號給電腦。電腦將會把它看成一般鍵盤硬件一樣,無需安裝任何驅動即可使用。
那9個鍵由左至右應接到AVR B0到B7以及C7腳。
- 微動開關方面: 常開(Normal Open - NO)接到AVR的腳。COM接地 (GND)。
- LED方面:正極接Vcc,負極接到微動的常開腳。這假設你的LED模組中包含一個相應的電阻。(我買的有一個300歐電阻串連著) Vcc可以是其他9V-12V電源,USB的也行不過有點暗。
亞克力材料及激光切割手工: 180人民幣 Minimus USB dev board: 60人民幣 特大按鈕,連微動和LED: 170人民幣 在家尤如在機舖中玩Pop'n: 此刻無賈