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Print lovely formatted truth tables from any boolean logic expression!


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Create pretty-printed truth tables and abstract syntax trees from boolean expressions! Installation is as easy as pip install truth_tables.

Example usage:

>>> from truth_tables import TruthTable
>>> my_table = TruthTable('p or q', '~p -> q', 'T and ~T')
>>> print(my_table)
│ pqp or q~p -> qT and ~T │
│ FFFFF     │
│ FTTTF     │
│ TFTTF     │
│ TTTTF     │
>>> print(my_table.ast)

│ ╰─Variable('p')


>>> my_table = TruthTable('~((p xor (q and ~r) or q) and ~(p <-> r))')
>>> print(my_table)
│ p | q | r | ~((p xor (q and ~r) or q) and ~(p <-> r)) │
│ F | F | F |                     T                     │
│ F | F | T |                     T                     │
│ F | T | F |                     T                     │
│ F | T | T |                     F                     │
│ T | F | F |                     F                     │
│ T | F | T |                     T                     │
│ T | T | F |                     F                     │
│ T | T | T |                     T                     │

Two truth tables are equal if they have the same variables and the same truth values (not necessarily the same propositions).

>>> TruthTable('p -> q') == TruthTable('~p or q')

Notes on the Parser

  • The parser will accept symbolic or english names for boolean operators:

    operator symbolic english
    Not ~ not
    And & and
    Or | or
    Implies -> implies
    Iff <-> iff
    Xor ^ xor
  • Not has greater precendence than And and And has greater precedence than Or, Implies, Iff, and Xor.

  • T and F are parsed as boolean literals.

  • Other than the english operator names and boolean literals, variable names may be any sequence of word characters that don't start with a digit.