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Running the OCD Service

MaxKissgen edited this page Jun 28, 2022 · 21 revisions

Linux Users

Use chmod +x <filename> to allow the execution of the scripts.

Making Preparations

Before you start the service you might want to configure the start_network.bat or files first for things such as RAM usage, but especially for making your agent accessible after recompilation with the --node-id-seed and other las2peer node launcher parameters (see

Running the Service

You can launch the service on a single node LAS2peer network with the scripts start_network.bat or which are located in the bin directory. The service should be running within a few seconds and be available as a REST service under the basepath (Note that your browser will display a 404 if you type in this adress, to see if the service is running check the address without the /ocd part instead). You can terminate the process by either typing exit in the interactive console or of course also by any other common means.

It is recommended that you use the OCD Service in combination with the web client at, which will take care of formulating the right requests and especially the login process for you as well as provide JSON visualization.

Potential Issues

Your service might run into the java.lang.outOfMemoryError, this indicates that the heap size of the program is most likely to small. You can increase the maximum size by adding the -Xmx parameter in the start_network files. For information on how to use it, please refer to the official Documentation here.

If you are getting a warning about encryption problems then you most likely have to change the Security Policy Files of your JRE. This can also happen after a JRE update. Please refer to the Las2Peer Template Project for more information.