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Releases: rustic-games/jilu

Commit scope templating

16 Aug 23:00
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You can use the scope template function to print the scope of a

A scopeheader filter exists to use custom scope names. Use the
scope_headers config flag as such:

  scope_headers: {
      "ui": "User Interface",

This feature is similar to the already existing type function.

See the default template file for an example of the
type feature, which should give you an idea on how to use scope and
its configurables.

More templating functionality

14 Mar 15:05
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The Tera dependency was upgraded from 1.0.0-beta.15 to 1.1.0,
which brings with it a list of new features to use in the changelog

Additionally, a bug causing git tags to be incorrectly sorted got

Final release with required release title

17 Sep 07:18
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Because coming up with a release title for every new release is hard,
so the next release will have a way to not have a release title, but
still have release notes.

On to the release itself.

This is mostly a release full of fixes as reported by @mmstick, @Calmynt
and @kondanta. Thank you all!

Aside from a slew of bug fixes, the biggest new feature is support for
tags starting with a v, so both 0.1.0 and v0.2.0 tags are now
recognised as release tags.


The Quick Fix

12 Aug 21:15
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What goes up, must come down.

This release fixes several issues that came to light after releasing
v0.1.0, which put the repository in a state with no unreleased
changes, triggering branching logic that still had a few bugs 🐛.

Those bugs are no more.

Still, this is a perfect reminder to start working on those unit

Ship It!

12 Aug 19:34
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The first release of Jilu 🎉.

Jilu is a tool that generate a change log for you, based on the
state of your Git repository. It converts conventional commits into a
human readable change log, using Git tags to annotate your
with titles, release notes and more. You can tweak your
change log
to suit the needs of your community and even integrate the
jilu binary into your CI workflow for automated updates.

This release is an example of using an annotated Git tag to attach a
custom release title (in this case "Ship It!") and a hand-written
release note (this message) to a release. This makes it more pleasant
for your readers to get up-to-date on what has changed, while also
providing them with an accurate list of all the relevant changes part of
the release (which for this project means all commits with the types
"feat", "fix" or "perf").

Since the notes are inlined into the change log, you can use markdown
and have it render as expected. Don't go too crazy with this though,
as people might not always read your tag annotations from a client that
can render Markdown text to HTML. And while that is the exact purpose of
markdown (being easy to read in non-rendered form), you can still get
too carried away, making your notes less readable than they could be.

You can also embed images to give more visual appeal to your release
notes, as a picture is worth a thousand words when you want to let
your audience know about all those amazing new features.

Release Notes

Now first I'm going to automatically (really! 🙈) thank myself for
my contributions (there will be a feature to exclude certain core
contributors from getting thanked all the time), and then I invite you
to go read the changes below, and hopefully you find any use for this
tool, as I have.

Be sure to check out the project README if you haven't already!