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WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication tool.

Minimum Requirements:

  • PHP: 7.4+
  • WordPress: 5.9+


composer require rumur/wp-jwt

Themosis 2.x

php console vendor:publish --provider='Rumur\WordPress\JsonWebToken\JWTServiceProvider'

Sage 10.x

wp acorn vendor:publish --provider='Rumur\WordPress\JsonWebToken\JWTServiceProvider'

How to use it?

Define Secret Key

// wp-config.php
// ...

define('JWT_SECRET_KEY', 'SomeSecretYouKey');

// Optional. Default `HS256`, Possible options `ES384`, `ES256`, `HS256`, `HS384`, `HS512`, `RS256`, `RS384`, `RS512`, `EdDSA`. 
define('JWT_ALGO', 'HS256');

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
// ...
use function Rumur\WordPress\JsonWebToken\jwt;
use Rumur\WordPress\JsonWebToken\Service;

add_action('rest_api_init', function () {
    // Creates a Service for you. 
        // List routes that need to be guarded by JWT, support wildcards.
        ->guard( [ 
        ] )
        // In case if you need to skip some routes, otherwise you might get errors,
        // because absence of a Bearer Token within headers triggers that errors. 
        ->ignore( [
        ] )
        // There is also available some builtin middlewares
        // but also supports simple closures as well,
        // ⚠️ NOTE: Middleware won't apply if that endpoint within ignore list ⚠️ 
        ->middleware( [
            'app/*/entity/*'  => [
                function(\WP_REST_Request $request, Closure $next, array $attributes) {
                    // Do some logic.
                    // in case of success just pass the request to the next middleware
                    if (! current_user_can('edit_other_users')) {
                        return false;
                    return $next($request);
            'wp/*/media/*' => function(\WP_REST_Request $request, Closure $next, array $attributes) {
                if (! current_user_can('edit_post', $request['id'])) {
                    return false;
                return $next($request);
        ] )
        // In case if you need to take over the control and register your own routes.
        ->takeOver(function (string $namespace, string $rest_base, Service $jwt ) {
            ( new Api\AuthController($namespace, $rest_base, $jwt) )->register_routes();
        } )
        // And last but not least, Engage function needs to be called on `rest_api_init` action,
        // otherwise it will tell you about that error. 
        ->engage( $namespace = 'jwt/v1', $rest_base = 'auth' );
}, 10 );


This package is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.