This unofficial Meta-DAO Futarchy Python SDK implements several basic functions for trading proposal markets. Currently supports minting, merging, buying, selling, and redeeming conditional tokens.
Requires python=3.10
. Clone and install:
git clone
cd futarchy
pip install -e .
Donations appreciated to C7NJhQmVpCQ9AgLoU4kWW62EApndJH1HoGYWejQJyr7
Set up connection, wallet, and client
from solders.pubkey import Pubkey
from solana.rpc.async_api import AsyncClient
from solana.rpc.types import TxOpts
from solana.rpc.commitment import Confirmed
from anchorpy import Wallet
from futarchy.client import ProposalClient
from futarchy.keypair import load_keypair
connection_url = ""
connection = AsyncClient(connection_url, commitment=Confirmed)
keypair_file = "path/to/keypair.json"
keypair = load_keypair(keypair_file)
wallet = Wallet(keypair)
opts = TxOpts(skip_confirmation=False, skip_preflight=False, preflight_commitment=Confirmed)
proposal_pubkey = Pubkey.from_string("J57DcV2yQGiDpSetQHui6Piwjwsbet2ozXVPG77kTvTd")
client = ProposalClient(
Initialize client with relevant addresses and make token accounts
await client.get_proposal_info()
await client.create_token_accounts()
Example mint, trade, and merge
mint_ix = client.get_mint_quote_conditional_tokens_ix(10 * client.quote_precision)
await client.send_ix(mint_ix)
buy_ix = await client.get_buy_fail_ix(5 * client.quote_precision)
await client.send_ix(buy_ix)
merge_ix = client.get_merge_quote_conditional_tokens_ix(3 * client.quote_precision)
await client.send_ix(merge_ix)