Simple pomodoro timer
Either Windows or a decent Linux should be fine.
It should work on OS X also but I can't port my app to it since I don't have neither hackintosh nor real mac.
This app depends on external codecs to play an alarm file so make sure they're installed.
- Tray integration
- Customizability
- Ability to zero out pomodoro count if you slack too much
There's an additional timer that kicks in after half of time of last break.
For example: if your break was 10 minutes, wait 5 more minutes right after the break and pomodoro counter will be zeroed out.
This feature can be disabled. - And an alarm sound
If you use doesn't change PREFIX variable when building on Linux make sure you have /usr/local/share dir in $XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable or you won't have desktop integration.
Application icon is a part of this icon pack
Fallback open/close button icons — Dalisha icon theme
Alarm — Fresh and Clean sound theme