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andrewvk edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 3 revisions

AssemblyCompetitionConfig Class

Competition config that can be configured via app.config Check the AppConfigOptions for settings avaliable.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CodeJam.PerfTests.Configs
Assembly: CodeJam.PerfTests (in CodeJam.PerfTests.dll) Version: (



public sealed class AssemblyCompetitionConfig : ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig


Public NotInheritable Class AssemblyCompetitionConfig
	Inherits ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig


type AssemblyCompetitionConfig =  
        inherit ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig

The AssemblyCompetitionConfig type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method AssemblyCompetitionConfig Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyCompetitionConfig class.
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Name Description
Public property AllowDebugBuilds Allow debug builds to be used in competitions. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property AllowLongRunningBenchmarks The analyser should not warn on benchmark runs that take longer than 0.5 sec to complete. (limit value can be overriden by CompetitionRunnerBase implementation). (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property CompetitionLimitProvider Competition limit provider. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property ConcurrentRunBehavior Behavior for concurrent competition runs. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property DetailedLogging Enable detailed logging. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property IgnoreExistingAnnotations The analyser should ignore existing limit annotations. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property KeepBenchmarkFiles Determines if all auto-generated files should be kept or removed after running benchmarks. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public property LogCompetitionLimits Log competition limits. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property MaxRunsAllowed Total count of reruns allowed. Set this to zero to use default limit of 10 runs. (limit value can be overriden by CompetitionRunnerBase implementation). (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property PreviousRunLogUri URI of the log that contains competition limits from previous run(s). Relative paths, absolute paths and web URLs are supported. If UpdateSourceAnnotations set to true, the annotations will be updated with limits from the log. Set LogCompetitionLimitstrue to log the limits. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property ReportWarningsAsErrors Report warnings as errors. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public property RerunIfLimitsFailed Rerun competition if competition limits check failed. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
Public propertyStatic member RunConfig Returns competition config for calling assembly.
Public property UnionRule Get union rule. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public property UpdateSourceAnnotations Try to update source annotations if competition limits check failed. (Inherited from ReadOnlyCompetitionConfig.)
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Name Description
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAnalysers Get benchmark analysers. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method GetColumns Get benchmark columns. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public methodStatic member GetConfigForAssembly Returns competition config for the assembly.
Public method GetDiagnosers Get benchmark diagnosers. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method GetExporters Get benchmark exporters. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetJobs Get benchmark jobs. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method GetLoggers Get benchmark loggers. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method GetOrderProvider Get order provider. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetValidators Get benchmark validators. (Inherited from ReadOnlyConfig.)
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
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See Also


CodeJam.PerfTests.Configs Namespace

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