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andrewvk edited this page Apr 25, 2016 · 14 revisions

ILazyDictionary(TKey, TValue) Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Dictionary with lazy values initialization.

Namespace: CodeJam.Collections
Assembly: CodeJam (in CodeJam.dll) Version: (



public interface ILazyDictionary<TKey, TValue> : IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>, 
	IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>, 


Public Interface ILazyDictionary(Of TKey, TValue)
	Inherits IReadOnlyDictionary(Of TKey, TValue), IReadOnlyCollection(Of KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)), 
	IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)), IEnumerable


type ILazyDictionary<'TKey, 'TValue> =  
        interface IReadOnlyDictionary<'TKey, 'TValue>
        interface IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<'TKey, 'TValue>>
        interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'TKey, 'TValue>>
        interface IEnumerable

Type Parameters


Type of key
Type of value
  The ILazyDictionary(TKey, TValue) type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public property Count Gets the number of elements in the collection. (Inherited from IReadOnlyCollection(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)).)
Public property Item Gets the element that has the specified key in the read-only dictionary. (Inherited from IReadOnlyDictionary(TKey, TValue).)
Public property Keys Gets an enumerable collection that contains the keys in the read-only dictionary. (Inherited from IReadOnlyDictionary(TKey, TValue).)
Public property Values Gets an enumerable collection that contains the values in the read-only dictionary. (Inherited from IReadOnlyDictionary(TKey, TValue).)
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Name Description
Public method Clear Clears all created values
Public method ContainsKey Determines whether the read-only dictionary contains an element that has the specified key. (Inherited from IReadOnlyDictionary(TKey, TValue).)
Public method GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. (Inherited from IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)).)
Public method TryGetValue Gets the value that is associated with the specified key. (Inherited from IReadOnlyDictionary(TKey, TValue).)
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Extension Methods


Name Description
Public Extension Method AsArray(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Casts the specified sequence to array if possible, or creates an array from. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method AsList(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Casts the specified sequence to List(T) if possible, or creates a List(T) from. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Concat(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Appends specified element to end of the collection. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Concat(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)[]) Overloaded.
Appends specified elements to end of the collection. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method DistinctBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)) Overloaded.
Returns a sequence with distinct elements from the input sequence based on the specified key. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method DistinctBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey), IEqualityComparer(TKey)) Overloaded.
Returns a sequence with distinct elements from the input sequence based on the specified key and key comparer. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ExceptBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)) Overloaded.
Produces the set difference of two sequences by using the specified key to compare values. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ExceptBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey), IEqualityComparer(TKey)) Overloaded.
Produces the set difference of two sequences by using the specified key and IEqualityComparer(T) to compare values. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FirstOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Returns first element, or specified defaultValue, if sequence is empty. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FirstOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Boolean)) Overloaded.
Returns the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition or a specified defaultValue if no such element is found. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Flatten(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Returns a flattened sequence from a graph or hierarchy of elements by using the specified children selector. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method IntersectBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)) Overloaded.
Produces the set intersection of two sequences by using the specified key to compare values. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method IntersectBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey), IEqualityComparer(TKey)) Overloaded.
Produces the set intersection of two sequences by using the specified key and IEqualityComparer(T) to compare values. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Join(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))() Overloaded.
Concatenates the members of a collection. (Defined by StringExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Join(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(String) Overloaded.
Concatenates the members of a collection, using the specified separator between each member. (Defined by StringExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Byte)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Byte))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), SByte)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(SByte))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int16)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int16))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt16)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt16))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int32)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int32))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt32)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt32))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int64)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int64))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt64)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt64))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Single)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Single))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Double)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Double))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Decimal)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Decimal))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with maximum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue), IComparer(TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with maximum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Byte), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Byte)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), SByte), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(SByte)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int16), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int16)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt16), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt16)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int32), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int32)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt32), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt32)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int64), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int64)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt64), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt64)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Single), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Single)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Double), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Double)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Decimal), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Decimal)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with maximum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MaxByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue), IComparer(TValue), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with maximum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Byte)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Byte))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), SByte)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(SByte))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int16)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int16))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt16)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt16))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int32)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int32))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt32)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt32))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int64)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int64))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt64)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt64))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Single)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Single))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Double)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Double))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Decimal)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Decimal))) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue), IComparer(TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Byte), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Byte)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), SByte), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(SByte)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int16), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int16)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt16), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt16)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int32), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int32)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt32), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt32)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Int64), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Int64)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), UInt64), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(UInt64)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Single), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Single)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Double), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Double)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Decimal), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), Nullable(Decimal)), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method MinByOrDefault(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TValue), IComparer(TValue), KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Invokes a selector on each element of a source and returns the item with minimum value. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method OrderBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method OrderByDescending(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Page(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Extracts pageSize elements from a sequence at a particular one-based page number. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Prepend(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Overloaded.
Prepends specified element to the collection start. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Prepend(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)[]) Overloaded.
Prepends specified elements to the collection start. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method RunInParallel(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Action(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), String) Overloaded.
Runs in parallel actions for provided data source. (Defined by ParallelExtensions.)
Public Extension Method RunInParallel(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Int32, Action(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), String) Overloaded.
Runs in parallel actions for provided data source. (Defined by ParallelExtensions.)
Public Extension Method RunInParallel(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget), Action(TTarget), String) Overloaded.
Implements Provider-Consumer pattern. (Defined by ParallelExtensions.)
Public Extension Method RunInParallel(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget), Int32, Action(TTarget), String) Overloaded.
Implements Provider-Consumer pattern. (Defined by ParallelExtensions.)
Public Extension Method RunInParallel(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget)(Int32, Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget), Action(TTarget), String) Overloaded.
Implements Provider-Consumer pattern. (Defined by ParallelExtensions.)
Public Extension Method RunInParallel(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget)(Int32, Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TTarget), Int32, Action(TTarget), String) Overloaded.
Implements Provider-Consumer pattern. (Defined by ParallelExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Slice(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Extracts count elements from a sequence at a particular zero-based starting index. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Split(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Splits the input sequence into a sequence of chunks of the specified size. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TakeLast(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the end of a sequence. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ToHashSet(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))() Overloaded.
Creates a HashSet(T) from an IEnumerable(T). (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ToHashSet(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(IEqualityComparer(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))) Overloaded.
Creates a HashSet(T) from an IEnumerable(T) with the specified equality comparer. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TopoSort(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)))) Overloaded.
Performs topological sort on source. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TopoSort(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))), IEqualityComparer(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))) Overloaded.
Performs topological sort on source. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TopoSort(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)) Overloaded.
Performs topological sort on source. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method TopoSort(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue))), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey), IEqualityComparer(TKey)) Overloaded.
Performs topological sort on source. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ToStrings(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Returns string representations of source items. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Union(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Produces the set union of two sequences by using the default equality comparer. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method UnionBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)) Overloaded.
Produces the set union of two sequences by using the specified key to compare values. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method UnionBy(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey)(IEnumerable(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)), Func(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue), TKey), IEqualityComparer(TKey)) Overloaded.
Produces the set union of two sequences by using the specified key and IEqualityComparer(T) to compare values. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
Public Extension Method WithIndex(KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue)) Associates an index to each element of the source sequence. (Defined by EnumerableExtensions.)
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CodeJam.Collections Namespace

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