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Customizing UI Colors

Alkl58 edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 1 revision

This small Guide is for the docker version of szurubooru!

This tutorial is based on

If you want to edit the colors of the UI you have to follow these steps:

  1. Modify the docker-compose.yml:

  • remove the red marked "image: ..." part
  • add the green marked "builds: ..." part

(side note: don't use tab spaces, use normal spacebar spaces)

  1. Edit the colors.styl in "/client/css/":
Here is my darkmode stylesheet
$main-color = #24AADD
$window-color = #1a1a1a
$top-navigation-color = #333333
$text-color = #e6e6e6
$inactive-link-color = #cccccc
$line-color = #a6a6a6
$inactive-tab-text-color = $inactive-link-color
$active-tab-text-color = $text-color
$active-tab-background-color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)
$focused-tab-background-color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)
$message-info-border-color = #1E1E1E
$message-info-background-color = #164469
$message-error-border-color = #FCC
$message-error-background-color = #FFF5F5
$message-success-border-color = #D3E3D3
$message-success-background-color = #004d00
$input-bad-border-color = #FCC
$input-bad-background-color = #FFF5F5
$input-good-border-color = #D3E3D3
$input-good-background-color = #004d00
$input-enabled-background-color = #404040
$input-enabled-border-color = #EEE
$input-enabled-text-color = $text-color
$input-disabled-background-color = #0d0d0d
$input-disabled-border-color = #EEE
$input-disabled-text-color = #888
$button-enabled-text-color = white
$button-enabled-background-color = $main-color
$button-disabled-text-color = #666
$button-disabled-background-color = #CCC
$post-thumbnail-border-color = $main-color
$post-thumbnail-no-tags-border-color = #F44
$default-tag-category-background-color = $active-tab-background-color
$new-tag-background-color = #DFC
$new-tag-text-color = black
$implied-tag-background-color = #FFC
$implied-tag-text-color = black
$tag-suggestions-background-color = $window-color
$tag-suggestions-header-color = #EEE
$tag-suggestions-border-color = #AAA
$duplicate-tag-background-color = #FDC
$duplicate-tag-text-color = black
$active-note-overlay-background-color = rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)
$active-note-overlay-border-color = rgba(62, 255, 62, 0.8)
$note-background-color = rgba(255, 255, 205, 0.3)
$note-border-color = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
$edited-note-background-color = rgba(222, 255, 222, 0.3)
$edited-note-border-color = rgba(0, 200, 0, 0.9)
$note-text-background-color = lemonchiffon
$note-text-border-color = black
$note-text-text-color = black
$first-note-point-color = orangered
$hovered-note-point-color = red
$hovered-first-note-point-color = red
$safety-safe = #88D488
$safety-sketchy = #F3D75F
$safety-unsafe = #F3985F
$scrollbar-thumb-color = $main-color
$scrollbar-bg-color = $input-enabled-background-color
  1. Run sudo docker-compose build
  2. Finally, run docker-compose up -d