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The rootiest neovim configuration you will ever see!
Note: While Neovim may run without these prerequisites, functionality will be limited.
For the full experience, it is recommended to install the pre-requisites.
- git - Version control system
- luarocks - Lua package manager
- Nerd Fonts - Font with extended glyphs
Your terminal/client application must have a Nerd Font installed and support the Nerd Font glyphs.
WezTerm, Kitty, or NeoVide are recommended.
- ripgrep - A faster grep
- fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder
- fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- lazygit - A simple terminal UI for git commands
- kitty - A fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal emulator
- NeoVide - A fast, feature-rich, and modern Neovim GUI
- fish - A smart and user-friendly command line shell
Install Neovim (0.9+)
Install Pre-requisites
Backup your current nvim configuration (if you have one)
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:rootiest/rootiest-nvim ~/.config/nvim
Enjoy! 🎉
This will download and open the Rootiest Neovim configuration
without replacing your current Neovim configuration.
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:rootiest/rootiest-nvim ~/.config/rootiest/rootiest-nvim
Open Neovim with this config:
NVIM_APPNAME=rootiest/rootiest-nvim/ nvim
Enjoy! 🎉
Fall in love and see Installation
- Comfortable keybindings and PDE-like features
- Automatically check for Neovim updates
- Able to build Neovim updates from source for nightly or any release (on Linux)
- Built like a distro. Highly customizable and extensible without writing any code!
- Designed to be quick to load and easy to use without compromising on features
- Leans heavily on lazy and luarocks for plugin management and lazy-loading
- Catppuccin theme is default but a selection of others are also included
- Automatic light/dark mode switching based on system theme
- Extensive special configurations for kitty, including theme matching
- Kitty scrollback and keybinding support
- Special configuration for neovide
- Detects terminal client and adjusts accordingly
- ToggleTerm, fzf-lua, neotree, etc. for quick access to files and terminal
- Many UI elements to enhance the experience
- LSP support for many languages and automatic setup for many more
- Remotely spawn a Neovim instance over ssh, in a container, or from a git repo
- Dashboard logo adjusts to the size of the window
- Beautiful, unique, and feature-rich lualine statusline
- When available, git-blame, WakaTime and music player stats components displayed in lualine
- Warning system for missing dependencies
- User-selected AI completion tool:
, ornone
- WakaTime integration: Tracking time spent on code
- Hardtime integration: Trains better use of vim motions and shortcuts
- Colorscheme is remembered between sessions with astral.nvim
- Highlight group customizations that are colorscheme-compliant
- Lean and fast while providing a complete professional experience
- Achieves sub-75ms startup time on my personal laptop, goal to never exceed 100ms
- Now with more efficient, refactored keymappings!
Features and
Options are configured in the config/options.lua
All of the options are documented showing their possible values.
This file allows you to select between various plugins and configurations without needing to write any configuration code yourself.
-- ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ROOTIEST ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
vim.g.aitool = "codeium" --Options: codeium, copilot, tabnine, minuet, none
vim.g.usewakatime = true --Options: true, false
vim.g.usehardtime = false --Options: true, false
vim.g.useimage = true --Options: true, false
Rootiest WezTerm - A wezterm configuration that is designed to work with this Neovim configuration.
Rootiest Kitty - A kitty configuration that is designed to work with this Neovim configuration.
Rootiest Fish - A fish configuration that pairs well with this Neovim configuration.
Rootiest Tmux - A tmux configuration that is designed to work with this Neovim configuration.
Rootiest Vim - A Vim configuration that pairs well with this Neovim configuration.
Rootiest Iosevka Font - A custom Iosevka font that is designed by developers, for developers.
Nerd Fonts - A collection of fonts that includes many icons and glyphs used in this configuration.