A sample for spring-boot-application
Scaffold Maven project with spring-boot. Included BOWER configuration for AngularJS and Bootstrap. Just run the following command on the base folder of the application.
bower install
Write a set of REST services with two endpoints:
- GET service to retrieve the Greeting Message of the Day
- POST service to change the current Greeting Message.
- The Greeting Message should be a Spring Bean.
- The Greeting Message could be stored on memory. It can be a Singleton.
- The application should be self-contained
- The application SHOULD NOT use WEB.XML or any spring XML configuration.
Use JERSEY instead of Spring Web
Write a set of JUNIT Tests to test the endpoints.
Write an Angular Application to show the current Greeting Message, and a form to change it. Bonus points if using IIFE. Extra-bonus points for using one-way binding when showing the Greeting Message.
##Install and Run
You can run the following command in order to have the application self-contained and ready to be run as a jar file.
mvn package
After packaging you can run the jar file in order to launch the server (make sure the 8090 port is not busy before running it).
java -jar target/greet-server.jar
Then you can access the application through the URL: http://hostName:8090/ and play some greetings.
You can also access the REST services directly through the URL http://hostName:8090/greet.
Enjoy it =)