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Workflow for rule changes

Till Hofmann edited this page Jan 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

Workflow for rule changes

This page summarizes the workflow for changing the rules of the competition.

How to create a new change proposal

  1. Create a branch for your proposal (starting from master)
  2. Write up and commit the proposed changes. Push your branch to the rulebook repository.
  3. Once you think your proposal is ready to be reviewed, create a Pull Request.
  4. Wait for feedback from TC members and adapt your changes accordingly by updating the branch (if you agree with the feedback)
  5. If you think the proposal should be voted on, add the label vote-in-progress. By default, voting remains open for 14 days.
  6. Wait for TC members to vote, merge the pull request if the change was accepted

Giving feedback on a change proposal

  1. Check out all open change proposals
  2. Comment on any proposal as you wish
  3. If you want to give more detailed feedback, review the pull request. You should accept a pull request if the proposed changes are clear and free of errors.

Voting on change proposals

  1. Check out all proposals with the vote-in-progress label
  2. If you agree with a proposal, comment with +1. If you disagree, comment with -1. Otherwise, you can comment with +0 to indicate abstention.

Voting System

  1. Votes are counted at the end of the voting period, which is 14 days unless requested otherwise by a TC member.
  2. A proposal is accepted or rejected by simple majority (disregarding abstentions).
  3. If a proposal is neither accepted nor rejected within the voting period, voting is extended until a simple majority has been reached.
  4. There is no quorum.