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王大根 edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 7 revisions


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A UI Lib for React Native


1. Install

npm install rnx-ui --save

2. Use

import React, {
} from 'react';
import Btn from 'rnx-ui/Btn';

function Demo(props) {
  return <Btn />;


After clone this repository to your local:

1. Install

npm install

2. Run

react-native run-ios


🖌 designing(7) 🛠 developing(1) done(31)


Name Description State
ActionSheet ActionSheet with iOS style
AddAndSubtract add button and subtract button with animation
Alert dialog box for alert
All page container with StatusBar
Badge Badge
Btn Button
CardView card-like view with animation
Checkbox Checkbox 🖌
Confirm dialog box for confirm
Dialog dialog box
Drop a set of components for dropping animation
DynamicText Text with scrolling animation
HeaderedSheet Sheet popping from button with a header
Icon Icon 🖌
ImgHolder Image with a placeholder
ImgPicker 图片选择组件
ImgRollView 图片选择组件
KeyboardAdaptiveView 适应键盘的容器
Loading 菊花加载中动画
LoadingBtn 带菊花图的按钮 🖌
NavBar 导航栏
Number 数字 🛠
NumericKeyboard 虚拟数字键盘
Overlay 遮罩层
PhoneNumInput 手机号码输入框
PlaceholderInput 可以自定义占位元素的输入框
PlaceholderText 有占位元素的文本显示组件
PswdInput 密码输入框(带有用于切换密码显隐的“眼睛”按钮) 🖌
RefreshView 滚动列表(带下拉刷新、上拉加载)
Select 选择器(带有向上弹出和向下隐藏的动画、遮罩、取消确定标题栏) 🖌
Sheet 底部弹层
SlideMenu 侧滑菜单 🖌
SmsCaptchaInput 短信验证码输入框
TabBar 横向点击栏
ToolTip 提示框
VirtualPasswordInput 虚拟密码输入框
Web 类微信浏览器 🖌


Name Description State
transPxToDp 像素(px)转虚拟像素(dp)方法
Validator 表单校验工具