Leiningen plugin to compile haml, sass, and scss files.
You can install the pluggin by adding lein-haml-sass to your project.clj
file in the plugin
(defproject example "1.2.3"
:plugins [[lein-haml-sass "0.2.7-SNAPSHOT"]])
Run the following command to download the library:
$ lein deps
The configuration for haml, sass, and scss is specified under the :haml
, :sass
, and :scss
sections of your `project.clj.
Here is an example of project.clj
with all the possible definitions.
(defproject example-project "1.2.3"
:haml {:src "resources/haml"
:output-directory "resources/public/html"
;; Other options (provided are default values)
;; :output-extension "html"
;; :auto-compile-delay 250
;; :delete-output-dir true ;; -> when running lein clean it will delete the output directory if it does not contain any file
;; :ignore-hooks [:clean :compile :deps] ;; -> if you use the hooks, this option allows you to remove some hooks that you don't want to run
;; :gem-version "3.1.7"
:sass {:src "resources/sass"
:output-directory "resources/public/css"
;; Other options (provided are default values)
;; :output-extension "css"
;; :auto-compile-delay 250
;; :delete-output-dir true ;; -> when running lein clean it will delete the output directory if it does not contain any file
;; :ignore-hooks [:clean :compile :deps] ;; -> if you use the hooks, this option allows you to remove some hooks that you don't want to run
;; :gem-version "3.2.1"
:scss {:src "resources/scss"
:output-directory "resources/public/css"
;; Other options (provided are default values)
;; :output-extension "css"
;; :auto-compile-delay 250
;; :delete-output-dir true ;; -> when running lein clean it will delete the output directory if it does not contain any file
;; :ignore-hooks [:clean :compile :deps] ;; -> if you use the hooks, this option allows you to remove some hooks that you don't want to run
;; :gem-version "3.2.1"
It is good to know that you only need to specify the section you plan to use. So if you are only interested in haml just specify the :haml
By default lain-haml-sass will come bundled with haml gem version 3.1.7 and sass gem version 3.2.1. However, if you like you can specify another gem version by using the :gem-version
key for haml, sass, or scss subtasks. lein-haml-sass will download the appropriate gem by using lein <subtask> deps
or lein deps
if you have configured the hooks.
Four tasks available:
- haml: compiles haml files
- sass: compiles sass files
- scss: compiles scss files
- haml-sass: compiles haml, sass, and scss files depending on which
file types are provided in the
For each task, three subtasks are availbale:
- once: compiles the source files once
- auto: keeps the compiler running and watches for new files and file changes
- clean: cleans the files that were generated by the compiler
Here is an example for haml:
Compile your files once:
$ lein haml once
Let lein-haml-sass watch for changes in your haml sources files:
$ lein haml auto
To delete all the files generated by lein-haml-sass:
$ lein haml clean
The load paths are the root of the sass src directory (what was specified in :src) and the root of the output directory (what was specified in :output-directory).
The following hooks are supported by lein-haml-sass for all haml, sass, and scss types of file:
$ lein compile
$ lein clean
To enable the hooks, add the following lein to your project.clj
:hooks [leiningen.haml
Run tests
$ lein with-profile tests spec
- Improve partial support for sass/scss
- allow user to override the gemjars url
- Ensure the newly downloaded gems are on the classpath after download
- cleanup ensure-engine-started
- make project.clj lein2 idiomatic...
- improve ensure-engine-started!
- document separate usage for lein1 and lein2
- add check for lein2 in lein1 version and fail appropriately
- document usage of project
- need to do some kind of perf test
- create some kind of CI to run against different versions of lein
- put colors in the terminal output
Copyright (C) 2013 Renaud Tircher
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.