anki 2.1 port of my old add-on which put your daily learns before your reviews
this is an Anki 2.1 update of my popular Anki 2.0 add-on that changes the order of your daily reviews:
It inserts the daily-learning cards, i.e. cards in the learning queue with intervals that crossed the day turnover, before starting standard reviews (the green number). Normally these cards daily-learning cards go last, but I want them to go first.
As of beta 32, there is an option to enable this built into Anki if you are using the v2 scheduler. However, I still think the learning reviews should come before new reviews. So I have built that in. If you use v2, this add-on respects the option toggle built into native Anki. I won't be testing v2 myself, so if it works for you please let me know.
A legacy version of my old Anki 2.0 add-on is here for those users holding out.