ChatGPT Prompts
- How to use a .env file with my flask app to protect sensitive passwords?
- How use before_request and teardown_request to create the database connection and to close it.
- Show me how to add a database connection to flask
- Where should I store my template file when using flask to render Jinja2 template?
- Give me an example of a css style sheet
- Can I add more than one CSS stylesheet to my html header?
- I'm using a jinja template and I want to render some text on a box, but if the text has more than 100 characters then I just want the 100 characters to render followed by a ... How do I do this in my Jinja template?
- how to make a flex container with two columns
- jinja2 url_for with attributes is adding an extra / before my last argument. Why?
- MY Route is like this: @app.route("/include//<collection_name>/<paper_id>") And my url_for statement is: {{url_for('include_paper', collection_name=colletion_name, email=email, paper_id=2)}}