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A GitHub action to determine the version for build artifacts.

Versioning Scheme

The general idea is to generate a unique version string from the job context that is unique for each run, easy to read and compare, and clearly identifies the revision that was used.

Ref Type Version Example
Git tag <tagname> v1.3.2
Branch <branchname>-<runnumber>-<sha> main-9-f025368a
Pull request pr<prnumber>-<runnumber>-<sha> pr9-1-89d735ed

Tags are assumed to already satisfy these goals and are taken as-is. For other cases, the first part (branch name or PR number) tells whether two version can be compared, the second part (build number) allows to quickly tell versions apart, and the commit hash uniquely identifies the revision of the source that was build.


  • version: The version string
  • version-without-v: The version string, with a leading "v" removed for tags that resemble a version number
  • major: The major part of a semantic version
  • minor: The minor part of a semantic version
  • patch: The remainder (after major and minor) of a semantic version

Example Output Values

Ref Run SHA version version-without-v major minor patch
refs/tags/v1 9 a52f v1 1 1
refs/tags/1.2.3 9 a52f 1.2.3 1.2.3 1 2 3
refs/tags/v1.2.3 9 a52f v1.2.3 1.2.3 1 2 3
refs/tags/ 9 a52f 1 2 3.4
refs/heads/main 9 a52f main-9-a52f main-9-a52f main 9 a52f
refs/heads/stable 9 a52f stable-9-a52f stable-9-a52f stable 9 a52f
refs/pull/1/merge 9 a52f pr1-9-a52f pr1-9-a52f pr1 9 a52f

Example Usage

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]
    types: [published]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Echo action's outputs
    - id: version
      uses: riege/action-version@v1
    - run: |
        echo Version: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
        echo Image tag: "${{ secrets.ACR_LOGIN_SERVER }}/my-container:${{ steps.version.outputs.version-without-v }}"