[v1.5.0] - 2022-10-12
Upgrade backup service adding Kubernetes CSI Snapshot feature, Prometheus memory optimization removing K3S duplicate metrics, enabling Let's Encrypt TLS certificates, and upgrading Linkerd to release 2.12.
Release Scope:
- Use of Let's Encrypt TLS certificates
- Certmanager configuration of Let's Encrypt support. ACME DNS01 challenge provider
- Certbot deployment
- IONOS DNS provider integration
- Upgrade backup service adding CSI Snapshot support
- Enable Kubernetes CSI Snapshot feature, installing external snapshot controller.
- Configure Longhorn CSI Snapshots support
- Configure Velero CSI Snapshot support
- Prometheus memory footprint optimization
- Removing of duplicate metrics coming from K3S endpoints.
- Upgrade Linkerd to version 2.12
- Ansible Playbooks improvements
- Encrypt passwords and keys used in playbooks with Ansible Vault
- Automatic provision of Prometheus Rules from yaml files.
What's Changed
- Fix #16: Cert-manager: Add Let's Encrypt as SSL certificate provider
- Fix #31: Backup: Adding CSI Snapshot support
- FIx #60: Improve Prometheus documentation including details about what is deployed with kube-prometheus-stack
- Fix #63: Memory footprint optimization
- Fix #66: Upgrade to latest version of Ansible role ricsanfre.backup
- Fix #67: K3S emitting duplicated metrics in all endpoints (Api server, kubelet, kube-proxy, kube-scheduler, etc)
- Fix #69: Prometheus Rules: Provision automatically of Prometheus rules from yaml files
- Fix #70: Linkerd: Upgrade to 2.12 release
- Fix #71: Configure Prometheus, Grafana, AlertManager to run behind Traefik HTTP Proxy using a subpath
- Fix #77: Ansible: Encrypt passwords and keys used in playbooks with Ansible Vault
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0