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Tolling System

Project Overview

This project implements a comprehensive tolling system that consists of multiple services working together to provide real-time data aggregation and processing. The system includes an On-Board Unit (OBU) simulator, a data receiver, a distance calculator, an aggregator, and a gateway service, all built using Go and various technologies. The architecture leverages microservices and real-time data processing capabilities, making it scalable and efficient.

Problems the Project Solves

  1. Real-Time Data Processing: The system processes real-time OBU data to calculate distances traveled and aggregates this data for further analysis.
  2. Scalable Architecture: By using a microservices architecture, the system can be easily scaled horizontally, ensuring high availability and resilience.
  3. Data Aggregation and Analysis: The aggregator service collects and processes data from multiple OBUs, providing insights and reports on the data.
  4. Middleware and Observability: The system includes logging, metrics, and circuit breaker patterns to ensure reliability and observability of the services.
  5. Simulation of OBU Devices: The OBU simulator generates realistic data for testing and validation purposes.
  6. Distributed Systems Concepts: The system incorporates distributed systems principles such as data partitioning, replication, and fault tolerance to ensure reliability and scalability.

All Tech Stacks and Libraries

Languages and Frameworks

  • Go: The primary programming language used for all services.
  • gRPC: For communication between microservices.
  • Go Kit: A toolkit for microservices in Go, providing tools for building robust services.

Messaging and Data Handling

  • Kafka: Used for messaging between the data receiver and other services.
  • Zookeeper: Manages the Kafka broker.

Web and Networking

  • WebSocket: Used by the OBU simulator to send data to the data receiver.
  • HTTP: Used for communication between the gateway and aggregator services.

Configuration and Environment

  • Docker Compose: For setting up and managing the development environment.
  • .env: For environment configuration.

Observability and Logging

  • Prometheus: For metrics collection and monitoring.
  • Logrus: For structured logging.
  • Promauto: For creating Prometheus metrics in Go applications.

How the Code Works Together

Distributed Systems Principles

  1. Microservices Architecture: The system is decomposed into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. This allows for independent deployment and scaling of each service.
  2. Data Partitioning: Data is partitioned across different services, each responsible for a specific part of the data processing pipeline.
  3. Replication: Data is replicated across services to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.
  4. Fault Tolerance: The system uses circuit breakers, retries, and timeouts to handle failures gracefully and maintain service availability.
  5. Scalability: Each service can be scaled independently to handle increased load, ensuring the system can grow with demand.


  1. OBU Simulator (obu/main.go): Generates random latitude and longitude data and sends it to the data receiver via WebSocket. This simulates real-world data from On-Board Units.

  2. Data Receiver (data_receiver/main.go): Listens for WebSocket connections and receives OBU data. It uses a Kafka producer to forward the received data to a Kafka topic.

  3. Distance Calculator (distance_calculator):

    • Kafka Consumer (consumer.go): Reads messages from the Kafka topic, calculates the distance based on the received coordinates, and sends the aggregated distance data to the aggregator service using an HTTP client.
    • Service and Middleware: Implements the core business logic and includes logging middleware to monitor performance and errors.
  4. Aggregator Service (aggregator):

    • gRPC and HTTP Servers (grpc.go and http.go): Provide endpoints for aggregating distance data and retrieving invoices.
    • Service and Middleware: Implements the aggregation logic, storing data in an in-memory store, and includes logging and metrics middleware for observability.
  5. Gateway Service (gateway/main.go):

    • HTTP Server: Acts as an intermediary, handling HTTP requests from clients and forwarding them to the aggregator service. This allows clients to retrieve invoices and send aggregation requests easily.
    • Handlers and Middleware: Implements handlers for processing requests and includes middleware for logging request details and performance metrics.
  6. Protobuf Definitions and Generated Code (types):

    • Protobuf (ptypes.proto): Defines the messages and services for the gRPC communication.
    • Generated Code: Includes the generated Go code for the protobuf definitions and gRPC clients and servers.
  7. Environment Configuration (.env): Specifies environment variables for configuring the endpoints and store type.

  8. Docker Compose Setup (docker-compose.yml): Sets up the Zookeeper and Kafka services required for messaging between the components.

  9. Build and Run Automation (Makefile): Provides targets for building and running each service, as well as generating protobuf code.

docker run --name kafka -p 9092:9092 -e ALLOW_PLAINTEXT_LISTENER=yes -e KAFKA_CFG_AUTO_CREATE_TOPICS_ENABLE=true bitnami/kafka:latest 

Installing protobuf compiler (protoc compiler)

For linux users or (WSL2)

sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler

For Mac users you can use Brew for this

brew install protobuff

Installing GRPC and Protobuffer plugins for Golang.

  1. Protobuffers
go install[email protected]
  1. GRPC
go install[email protected]
  1. NOTE that you need to set the /go/bin directory in your path Just like this or whatever your go directly lives.
  1. install the package dependencies 4.1 protobuffer package
go get

4.2 grpc package

go get

Installing Prometheus

Install Prometheus in a Docker container

docker run -p 9090:9090 -v ./.config/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus

Installing prometheus golang client

go get

Installing Prometheus natively on your system

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install
cd prometheus
make build
  1. Run the Prometheus deamon
./promtheus --config.file=<your_config_file>yml
  1. In the projects case that would be (running from inside the project directory)
../prometheus/prometheus --config.file=.config/prometheus.yml


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