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NOTE: This is a preliminary implementation of the FIDO Device Onboard Spec published by the FIDO Alliance. The implementation is experimental and incomplete, and is not ready for use in any production capacity. Some cryptographic algorithms and encoding formats have not been implemented, and any aspect of this implementation is subject to change.

FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) Protocol Reference Implementation (PRI) Quick Start

System Requirements:

  • Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Maven 3.6.3.
  • Java 11.
  • Haveged.

Source Layout

For the instructions in this document, <fdo-pri-src> refers to the path of the FDO PRI folder 'pri-fidoiot'.

FDO PRI source code is organized into the following sub-folders.

  • component-samples: It contains all the normative and non-normative server and client implementation with all specifications listed in the base profile.

  • http-api-samples: It contains Servlet implementation for various operations to be performed using different REST endpoints for all server service.

  • protocol-samples: It contains client and server implementation that demonstrates the preliminary E2E demo that educates the end user with the protocol workflow.

  • protocol: It contains implementations related to protocol message processing.

  • util: It contains utility package such as storage, ServiceInfo, dispatchers - for message passing and cert-utils - for loading certificates and keys from PEM formatted strings.

Building FDO PRI Source

FDO PRI source is written in Java 11 and uses the Apache Maven* software.

Following ports are used for unit-tests and sample code - 8039, 8040, 8042, 8043, 8049, 8050, and 8051. Ensure that these ports are not used by other applications while building and executing the binaries.

Use the following commands to build FDO PRI source.

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>
$ mvn clean install

The build creates artifacts which will be used in the rest of this guide.

Using Protocol Samples

Starting FDO PRI HTTP Servers

Starting the FDO PRI Rendezvous (RV) HTTP Server

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-to0-to1-sample/
$ mvn exec:java

The server will listen for FDO PRI http messages on port 8040. The H2 database will listen on TCP port 8050.

Starting the FDO PRI Owner HTTP Server

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-to2-sample/
$ mvn exec:java

The server will listen for FDO PRI HTTP messages on port 8042. The H2 database will listen on TCP port 8051.

Starting the FDO PRI Device Initialization (DI) HTTP Server

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-di-sample/
$ mvn exec:java

The server will listen for FDO PRI HTTP messages on port 8039. The H2 database will listen on TCP port 8049. You can allow remote database console connections by setting webAllowOthers=true in the file located your user home directory (for example, '~' for Linux and C:\Users[username] for Windows).

Running FDO PRI HTTP Clients

Running the FDO PRI Device Initialization (DI) HTTP Client

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-client-di-sample
$ mvn exec:java

Expect the following line on successful DI completion.

SerialNo: d35a096f

Device Credentials: 87f5..

DI Client finished.

Refer Ownership Voucher Creation for next steps.

Running the FDO PRI TO0 HTTP Client

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-client-to0-sample
$ mvn exec:java

Expect the following message on successful TO0 completion.

TO0 Response Wait: 3600

TO0 Client finished.

Running the FDO PRI TO1 HTTP Client

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-client-to1-sample
$ mvn exec:java

signed RV Blob: 84a10126... TO1 Client finished.

Running the FDO PRI TO2 HTTP Client

$ cd <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-client-to2-sample
$ mvn exec:java

TO2 Client finished.

NOTE: During the execution of the Protocol Samples using the command 'mvn exec:java', the following warning messages may be displayed on the console. These warning messages are a result of the version discrepancy of Guice with Maven and Java 11. This does not have any effect on the execution of the Protocol Sample.

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$1 (file:/usr/share/maven/lib/guice.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of$ReflectUtils$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

Ownership Voucher Creation

The DI server will listen for messages at http://localhost:8039/fdo/100/msg/. The server also includes a SQL database that runs on port 8049. The database console UI will be available at http://localhost:8039/console.

Extended Ownership Vouchers can be obtained from the following url:


NOTE: Default serial number is '0'. To get the serial_no corresponding to the GUID, look up the SERIAL_NO field of MT_DEVICES table in the DI database.

The hex value of the extended Ownership Voucher can be obtained by running the API above. The value will be populated on DI server console.

To log in to the database and view records use the following information:

"User Name:" = "sa"
"Password:" = "" (blank)
"JDBC URL:" = "jdbc:h2:tcp://<localhost>:8049/<fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-di-sample/target/data/mfg"

The path to the DB will be printed out in the following format when the DI server is starting.


SELECT * FROM MT_DEVICES will show the current Ownership Vouchers created by DI messages.

Enabling Remote Access to DB

Remote access to H2 Sample Storage DB has been disabled by default. Enabling the access creates a security hole in the system which makes it vulnerable to Remote Code Execution.

To enable remote access to DB update the db.tcpServer and webAllowOthers properties in the following files:

  • To enable remote access for DI server DB, update file: <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-di-sample/src/main/java/org/fidoalliance/fdo/sample/

  • To enable remote access for TO0-TO1 server DB, update file: <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-to0-to1-sample/src/main/java/org/fidoalliance/fdo/sample/

  • To enable remote access for TO2 server DB, update file: <fdo-pri-src>/protocol-samples/http-server-to2-sample/src/main/java/org/fidoalliance/fdo/sample/

db.tcpServer = -tcp -tcpAllowOthers -ifNotExists -tcpPort <service_db_port>
webAllowOthers = true

IMPORTANT: Not recommended to enable this setting especially on production systems.

Enabling Rendezvous Bypass

FDO includes a Rendezvous Bypass mechanism that is useful for IOT deployments that are not dependent on a particular network structure or ownership.

In such cases, an FDO device may elect to bypass the FDO Rendezvous Server mechanism and use the local mechanism instead. Since the TO2 provides full authentication and authorization of the Device to the Owner, there is no change in the security posture of FDO.

To enable Rendezvous Bypass

  • Update the RVInfo blob with rvbypass flag and owner address using the API POST /api/v1/rvinfo with http://<owner-ip:port>?rvbypass=&ipaddress=<owner-ip>&ownerport=<port> as body.

  • Setting the rvbypass flag in RVblob, causes the TO1 protocol to be skipped, and a TO2 connection to be attempted to <owner-ip> address mentioned in the above POST body.

EPID Test Mode

EPID devices can be tested using Test mode. EPID Test mode feature is intended to support onboarding for development and test devices. Enabling the test mode means signature verification won't be performed for the device. Test mode is enabled by default for protocol-sample in components.

NOTE: Not recommended for use in production systems.

Using Component Samples

Refer to Demo README for steps to run component sample demo.

Support for OnDie Devices

Refer to Demo README for steps to configure component-samples to support OnDie devices.

Support for OnDie devices is built into the protocol-samples and no configuration is required. The OnDie certs and CRLs are preloaded into the protocol-samples/onDieCache directory. Should these need to be refreshed (in case of devices released after the FDO PRI release) then the script in component-samples/ can be used to update the artifacts in this directory.


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  • Java 98.5%
  • Other 1.5%