A Python3 library for handling Google authentication for services such as Google Drive and Google Docs
In order to authenticate with Google API services ( such as Google Drive ),
this module requires a valid client_secret.json
file in the working directory
of the application using the module.
This file can be obtained from [email protected] and will resemble this:
This module is intended to serve as a universal means of authenticating with Google services such as Google Drive and Google Sheets.
It is probably best used as a submodule within other libraries that are purpose-built for accessing those Google services.
In a module which needs to authenticate with Google:
import httplib2
from google_auth import get_credentials
credentials = get_credentials('myUniqueAppName')
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
If no valid credentials have been stored, then the module will
complete the OAuth2 flow ( with Google ) in order to obtain
new credentials ( stored locally as client_credentials.json
- Scopes are defined at https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes
- Scopes are space separated
- If modifying the module's scopes, delete the previously saved credentials at
This module has default Scopes defined.
HOWEVER -- scopes can be passed into get_credentials()
as a named argument
for users who wish to specify different Scopes:
credentials = get_credentials('myUniqueAppName', scopes=('foo', 'bar'))
Authenticating ( and subsequently using ) Google services can be somewhat arcane, at least from within Python applications.
This module was developed to make authentication as simple as possible.
( AKA, "Why not use simple token authentication?" )
Using Google API keys are only usable for accessing public resources in Google. Accessing private resources ( Sheets, Docs, etc. ) requires OAuth2.
Important Note: Authenticating via OAuth2 from scratch requires manual intervention the first time.