This is a tiny go script that just generates a single, 256-bit bip39 mnemonic from a cryptographic randomness source. It's a tiny executable wrapper around the
If you're looking for a CLI tool with more than one feature, you probably want the bip39 tool over here:
Installation and usage are pretty simple though. Assuming no familiarity with standard module handling in go
- Have the go compiler toolchain installed. You can check this by running
go version
. - Run
go install
Just ~/go/bin/tiny39
. It takes no options.
Or, if you've tinkered with your go defaults before and you no longer know where your binary , run $(go env GOPATH)/bin/tiny39
Output will look something like:
MNEMONIC="pizza cereal violin genuine prosper donor word marine desk upgrade slam rebel shop tribe wide robust tragic motor mixture system plug naive gain exile"