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@tbrent tbrent released this 28 Mar 23:10
· 1389 commits to master since this release

The "all clear" milestone release. This is the first release that received any public use at all.

  • Bump solidity version to 0.8.17
  • Support multiple beneficiaries via the FacadeWrite
  • Add RToken.issueTo(address recipient, uint256 amount, ..) and RToken.redeemTo(address recipient, uint256 amount, ..) to support issuance/redemption to a different address than msg.sender
  • Add RToken.redeem*(.., uint256 basketNonce) to enable msg sender to control expectations around partial redemptions
  • Add RToken.issuanceAvailable() + RToken.redemptionAvailable()
  • Add FacadeRead.primeBasket() + FacadeRead.backupConfig() views
  • Many external libs moved to internal
  • Switch from price point estimates to price ranges; all prices now have a low and high. Impacted interface functions:
    • IAsset.price()
    • IBasketHandler.price()
  • Replace IAsset.fallbackPrice() with IAsset.lotPrice(). The lot price is the current price when available, and a fallback price otherwise.
  • Introduce decaying fallback prices. Over a finite period of time the fallback price goes to zero, linearly.
  • Remove IAsset.pricePerTarget() from asset interface
  • Remove rewards earning and sweeping from RToken
  • Add safeMulDivCeil() to ITrading traders. Use when overflow is possible from 2 locations:
  • Introduce config struct to encapsulate Collateral constructor params more neatly
  • In general it should be easier to write Collateral plugins. Implementors should only ever have to override 4 functions: tryPrice(), refPerTok(), targetPerRef(), and claimRewards().
  • Add .div(1 - maxTradeSlippage) to calculation of shortfallSlippage in RecollateralizationLib.sol:L188.
  • FacadeRead:
    • remove .pendingIssuances() + .endIdForVest()
    • refactor calculations in basketBreakdown()
  • Bugfix: Fix claim rewards from traders in FacadeAct
  • Bugfix: Do not handout RSR rewards when no one is staked
  • Bugfix: Support small redemptions even when the RToken supply is massive
  • Bump component-wide version() getter to 2.0.0
  • Remove non-atomic issuance
  • Replace redemption battery with issuance and redemption throttles
    • amtRate valid range: [1e18, 1e48]
    • pctRate valid range: [0, 1e18]
  • Fix Furnace/StRSR reward period to 12 seconds
  • Gov params:
    • --rewardPeriod
    • --issuanceRate
    • ++issuanceThrottle
    • ++redemptionThrottle
  • Events:
    • --RToken.IssuanceStarted
    • --RToken.IssuancesCompleted
    • --RToken.IssuancesCanceled
    • Issuance( address indexed recipient, uint256 indexed amount, uint192 baskets ) -> Issuance( address indexed issuer, address indexed recipient, uint256 indexed amount, uint192 baskets )
    • Redemption(address indexed recipient, uint256 indexed amount, uint192 baskets ) -> Redemption(address indexed redeemer, address indexed recipient, uint256 indexed amount, uint192 baskets )
    • ++RToken.IssuanceThrottleSet
    • ++RToken.RedemptionThrottleSet
  • Allow redemption while DISABLED
  • Allow grantRTokenAllowances() while paused
  • Add RToken.monetizeDonations() escape hatch for accidentally donated tokens
  • Collateral default threshold: 5% -> 1% (+ include oracleError)
  • RecollateralizationLib: Tighter basket range during recollateralization. Will now do minTradeVolume-size auctions to fill in dust rather than haircut.
  • Remove StRSR.setName()/setSymbol()
  • Prevent RToken exchange rate manipulation at low supply
  • Prevent StRSR exchange rate manipulation at low supply
  • Forward RSR directly to StRSR, bypassing RSRTrader
  • Accumulate melting on Furnace.setRatio()
  • Payout RSR rewards on StRSR.setRatio()
  • Distinguish oracle timeouts when dealing with multiple oracles in one plugin
  • Add safety during asset degregistration to ensure it is always possible to unregister an infinite-looping asset
  • Fix StRSR/RToken EIP712 typehash to use release version instead of "1"
  • Add FacadeRead.redeem(IRToken rToken, uint256 amount, uint48 basketNonce) to return the expected redemption quantities on the basketNonce, or revert
  • Integrate with OZ 4.7.3 Governance (changes to quorum()/tproposalThreshold())