Rensetsu is a project that aims to map several shows, movies, and books databases into one relation entry!
This project was inspired by anime-offline-database and arm, but with a broader scope that encompasses not only anime but also other forms of media such as movies and books while keeping the database licensed under MIT and CC0 to ensure open access and collaboration among users and developers alike. Our goal is to create a comprehensive database that allows users to explore and discover various shows, movies, and books, all in one centralized location.
Unlike other competitors, we offered a lot of sites to be mapped into
The following table is not fixed and some sites may removed or added.
allcinema | | aniDB | AniList | Anime News Network | Anime-Planet |
Anime-Themes | aniSearch | Annict | Bangumi | Douban | |
IMDb | Kaize | Kitsu | Kinopoisk | Livechart | MangaDex |
MangaUpdates | MyAnimeList | Nautiljon | | Novel Updates | Otak Otaku |
SilverYasha DBTI | Shikimori | Syoboicalendar | TMDB | TVDB | Trakt |
VNDB | Wikidata |
Currently Rensetsu indexed animation title from China, Japan, and Korea (CJK) or considered to be part of it.
In Rensetsu, data from a site will be scraped/copied based on its schedule. Some sites may require manual scraping with approximate schedule due to some unique challenge to solve, written in ISO 8601 Duration notation.
Below is a table when and what sites were being scraped, with UTC timezone:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
12:45 aniDB12 |
01:00 bgm.tv12 |
16:30 AnimeThemes |
Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
04:30 Trakt123 |
12:00 Notify.moe1 |
Manual |
~P3M SilverYasha DBTI |
Unless stated otherwise, all modules and final product generated from our software were licensed under MIT.
Our publicly available dump files were licensed under CC0 1.0, means you can use it whatever you wish without attributing the source.