last updated 8/13/24
I am one of the thousands of Rob Reids on the planet. But if you want to be specific, you can call me Reliable Rascal, my GitHub name.
As someone who loves narrative and numbers and civic empowerment, I've recently rolled all three into a coherent career as the Education Data Developer for Texas Tribune.
Here you'll find some of my data wrangling work from 2023-2024, predating my time at the Tribune:
- Contributed to the development of the Jacksonville Tributary's legislative voting dashboard by developing a streamlined ETL pipeline and contributing to development of the legislator dashboard
- Wrangled/transformed/analyzed public and FOIA-acquired data sets about snow clearance and fines for unshoveled sidewalks
- Divvy bikeshare data pipelines to explore ridership patterns and station bike availability
- Map-based scrollytelling stories about access to Fort Washington Park and Chicago's Southeast Side wetland parks
- My collaborative contribution to developing the TSA complaints data pipeline with the Data Liberation Project.