Mondo.NET is a .NET client library for the Mondo bank API. Use it to build apps and view your accounts, balances and transactions, create feed items, manage webhooks and attachments, and more!
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Supported target frameworks: .NET 4.5, ASP.NET Core 5.0, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1
- 100% async task-based API
- OAuth 2.0 authentication
- Web application flow (Authorization Code Grant)
- Native CLR types
- Access token refreshing
- Built for unit testing
- List accounts, transactions, and balances
- Create feed items
- Manage webhooks and attachments
- Upload attachments
To authenticate using OAuth 2.0 Web application flow (Authorization Code Grant) and retrieve a list of accounts:
public class HomeController : Controller
IMondoAuthorizationClient _authClient = new MondoAuthorizationClient(YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET);
public ActionResult Login()
// an unguessable random string which is used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks
string state = ...;
// the URL the user should be redirected back to following a successful Mondo login
string redirectUrl = Url.Action("OAuthCallback", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme);
string mondoLoginPageUrl = _authClient.GetAuthorizeUrl(state, redirectUrl);
// 1. Send user to Mondo's login page
return Redirect(mondoLoginPageUrl);
public async Task<ActionResult> OAuthCallback(string code, string state)
// confirm the redirect url was valid
string redirectUrl = Url.Action("OAuthCallback", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme);
// 2. Exchange authorization code for access token
AccessToken accessToken = await _authClient.GetAccessTokenAsync(code, redirectUrl);
// 3. Begin fetching accounts, transactions etc
using (var client = new MondoClient(accessToken.Value))
IList<Account> accounts = await client.GetAccountsAsync();
// ... etc
To create a feed item:
// create feed item
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"title", "My custom item"},
{"image_url", ""},
{"background_color", "#FCF1EE"},
{"body_color", "#FCF1EE"},
{"title_color", "#333"},
{"body", "Some body text to display"},
await client.CreateFeedItemAsync("myaccountid", "basic", parameters, "");
To register, delete and list webhooks:
// list webhooks
IList<Transaction> webhooks = await client.ListTransactionsAsync("myaccountid");
// register new webhook
Webhook webhook = await client.RegisterWebhookAsync("myaccountid", "");
// delete webhook
await client.DeleteWebhookAsync(webhook.Id);
To upload, register and remove transaction attachments:
// upload and register an attachment
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(@"C:\example.png"))
Attachment attachment = await client.UploadAttachmentAsync("example.png", "image/png", transaction.Id, stream);
// register an attachment that is already hosted somewhere
Attachment attachment = await client.RegisterAttachmentAsync(transaction.Id, "", "image/png");
// remove attachment
await client.DeregisterAttachmentAsync(attachment.Id);
OAuth 2.0 access tokens expire and must be periodically refreshed to maintain API access. Here is an example using an Rx IScheduler:
private _refreshDisposable = new SerialDisposable();
// schedule automatic token refresh
private void EnqueueRefresh()
DateTimeOffset refreshTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_accessToken.ExpiresIn);
_refreshDisposable.Disposable = Scheduler.Default.Schedule(refreshTime, async () =>
await _authClient.RefreshAccessTokenAsync(_accessToken.RefreshToken);
Check out the ASP.NET MVC Web Application Sample demonstrating OAuth 2.0 Web application flow (Authorization Code Grant):
Also the Universal Windows Sample application using Mondo.NET, Rx and MVVM:
Contributions and pull requests are more than welcome! 🎁