A Clojure command-line tool to send tweets about new blog posts.
This utility downloads and parses one or more atom feeds, and sends a tweet for each new post.
Clone this git repository.
This utility requires credentials for Bitly and Twitter. You will have to register the application with each service and generate the appropriate access tokens; see http://dev.bitly.com/my_apps.html and https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/tokens-devtwittercom
Once you have the required OAuth tokens, take a copy of the example configuration (resources/example-config.edn) and edit appropriately.
You can either run with Leiningen:
lein run -c my-config.edn
or (recommended) build an uber-jar and run directly:
lein uberjar
java -jar target/atomfeeder-0.1.0-standalone.jar --conf my-config.edn
Copyright © 2013 Ray Miller [email protected].
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.