A facial recognition API in Node.js.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ravinmor/face-recognition.git
Navigate to the folder:
cd face-recognition
Build image:
docker build ./ -t face-recognition
Run container
docker run -p 3500:3000 -it face-recognition
To utilize this API, begin by creating a directory named "labeled_images" within the "src" folder. Next, establish another directory using the individual's name or ID whom you intend to recognize. Populate this directory with a minimum of five images featuring the individual's face—more images enhance accuracy. Finally, access the path '/reconUserface' with a multipart form-data, including the identification and the image.
- axios: 0.27.2
- @tensorflow/tfjs-node: 1.7.4
- axios: 1.6.4
- canvas: 2.11.2
- cors: 2.8.5
- dotenv: 16.3.1
- express: 4.18.1
- face-api.js: 0.22.2
- multer: 1.4.5-lts.1
- node-fetch: 3.3.1
- nodemon: 2.0.16
Author: Ravin Mor
Email contact: [email protected] or [email protected]