The TGView System is a browser-based theory graph viewer developed at the KWARC group at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg by Marcel Rupprecht (with help/supervision by Dennis Müller and Michael Kohlhase).
We value your feedback, please consult the GitHub issues for planned extensions and feel free to open a new issue if you have comments.
There is a MathUI-2017 paper that describes the system at a conceptual level. Technical information can be found in the TGView Wiki
TGView has been ported to use TypeScript.
To install all dependencies we make use of yarn
# To install all dependencies
# To start up a development server that automatically recompiles when sources are changed
yarn start
# To build a static distribution into the dist/ folder (which can be served under any server)
yarn build
As an editor, it is highly recommended to use Visual Studio Code as it has built-in support for TypeScript. Furthermore, the excellent Debugger for Chrome extension can be used.
To use TGView as a library in other Webpack / JavaScript / TypeScript projects, a package.json
file is provided.
During installation of the package this file will automatically cause the TypeScript Compiler to generate pure JavaScript code into the lib/
This code can then be used as an entry point of other scripts.