This project allows to deploy a virtualized infraestructure, using virsh. The ansible script, using the inventory file defined by the user (e.g. /etc/config_01.yaml), creates the needed XML files to deploy the networks (using linux brige) and the virtual machines.
In order to define the user and the password, and the management network ("infra_mgt") configuration, this project uses cloud-init NoCloud [1]_ . This network is mandatory.
In OpenStack deployments:
- "infra_tenant": is the tenant network, for VLAN or tunneled networks. In tunneled networks, the local IP will be the one assigned to the "infra_tenant" interface in this machine.
- "infra_ext": is the external (provider) network.
These are the host OS tested:
- Ubuntu 20.04 server and desktop
- Ubuntu 20.10 desktop
These are the guest OS tested:
- Ubuntu 18.04 server cloud image
- Ubuntu 20.04 server cloud image
ansible >= 2.6.4
.. [1]: