Estimate the proprioception of a vine robot from an internal camera view
- Given a raw scene point cloud, generate calibration parameters to crop the raw scene to just the vine robot (use them in
- Collect processed pointclouds from a Microsoft Azure Kinect pointcloud stream and RPI camera over http stream (TODO: can decrease latency of stream with multiprocessing)
- Supervised learning training setup using MSE Loss, logs and tensorboard outputs are stored
- defines simple ResNet for fixed feature extraction and trainable MLP final layers
- various preprocessing functions
- given a dataset and optionally a log folder from a training output, generates a timeseries gif with predicted state plots and camera views
- Matplotlib visualizer that outputs a gif of an external view, internal view, and estimated/groundtruth vine robot state
- defines structure of the proprioception dataset
- defines an inference class and evaluation class to simplify model evaluation