is a Bounded Model Checker for hybrid systems with parametric uncertainty, and probabilistic hybrid automata with addtional randomness. It combines dreal/dreach and statistical analyzing methods.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.9 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-4.9 ../src
We have tested them under Ubuntu 12.04, and Mac OSX v10.9.2.
uses the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), so you need that
to be installed.
The command line is as follows:
<testfile> <prob_drh-modelfile> <dReach> <k-unfolding_steps_for_dreach_model> <precision>
is a text file containing a sequence of test specifications, give the path to it<prob_drh-modelfile>
is the file name and path of the probabilistic extension model of the dreach model<dReach>
is the dReach executable, give the path to it<k-unfolding_steps_for_dreach_model>
is the given steps to unfold the probabilistic hybrid system<precision>
is the given \delta for the \delta-decision procedure dReal/dReach
For example, try the following command (the path for dReach needs to be changed):
./sreach_sq(or sreach_para) ../statistical_test/test01 \\
../models/bouncing_ball_with_drag.pdrh \\
~/Desktop/qinsiw/sreach/dreal/bin/dReach \\
8 \\
The final output should be the dReach output followed by something like:
BFTI 0.9 1000 1 1 0.01: Reject Null Hypothesis, successes = ??, samples = ??
To time the total CPU time, use command "time" before the command line of SReach.
For more details, the user can go to the Statistical_testing.pdf, and Usage.pdf in the documents folder.