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Reclaim Smart Contract

EVM smart contract that enables minting of credentials on-chain through a network of oracles and semaphore.


  1. Run npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  2. To test, npm run test

Contracts Addresses

Optimism Goerli

Contract Address
Reclaim 0xCc08210D8f15323104A629a925E4cc59D0fa2Fe1
Semaphore 0xACE04E6DeB9567C1B8F37D113F2Da9E690Fc128d
SemaphoreVerifier 0x93a9d327836A5279E835EF3147ac1fb54FBd726B

Linea Testnet

Contract Address
Reclaim 0xf223E215B2c9A2E5FE1B2971d5694684b2E734C1
Semaphore 0xd9692F91DC89f14f4211fa07aD2Bd1E9aD99D953
SemaphoreVerifier 0xD594971cea3fb43Dd3d2De87C216ac2aCE320fc2


  • NETWORK={network} npx hardhat deploy to deploy the Reclaim contract to a chain. {network} is the chain, for example, "eth-goerli" or "polygon-mainnet"

  • NETWORK={network} npx hardhat upgrade --address {proxy address of the Reclaim contract} to upgrade the contract

  • npm run prettier to lint your solidity files

Dapp Integration with Reclaim Tutorial


This tutorial will guide you through the process of integrating a Dapp with Reclaim using Solidity and Ether.js. The integration involves verifying user claims and completing actions based on the user's identity.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Dapp ready with client app and smart contract
  • Ether.js library to register dapp in reclaim contract

Sequence Diagram

Sequence Diagram


Let’s imagine that you are building a DApp; your DApp will have two parts client and a smart contract

  1. Dapp Creation

    • dapp smart contract needs, in order to be up and running with Reclaim, to be registered in Reclaim using Reclaim.createDapp(uint256 externalNullifier). The Reclaim Contract emits a DappCreated event with the Dapp's unique identifier (dappId). so the dapp admin may add the dapp to Reclaim as following:

        import { task } from "hardhat/config";
        import { getContractAddress } from "./utils";
        import { Identity } from "@semaphore-protocol/identity"
        task("register-dapp").setAction(async ({}, { ethers, upgrades, network }) => {
        const dappIdentity = new Identity(“dapp-name”)
        const { nullifier } = dappIdentity
        const reclaimFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Reclaim");
        const contractAddress = getContractAddress(, "Reclaim");
        const Reclaim = await reclaimFactory.attach(contractAddress);
        const createDappTranactionResponse = await Reclaim.createDapp(nullifier);
        const createDappTransactionReceipt = await createDappTranactionResponse.wait();
        const dappId =![0]!.args![0]!;
        console.log('External Nullifier:', nullifier);
        console.log('Dapp Id:', dappId);
    • Dapp smart contract will need to store the dappId and the nullifier used to generate the dappId in order to call verifyMerkleIdentity later so, make sure that the contract store them.

      contract DappSmartContract{
          uint256 public externalNullifier;
          bytes32 public dappId;
         	constructor(uint256 _externalNullifier, bytes32 _dappId, address reclaimAddress){
              externalNullifier = _externalNullifier;
              dappId = _dappId;
  2. Claim Verification

    • Reclaim Wallet verifies a claim using the Reclaim Wallet or Reclaim SDK.
    • The user now generated the reclaim proof and can be used in the next step
  3. Merkelize User

    • Before your dapp contract can verify a user identity, the user must submit a reclaim proof to Reclaim contract and be added to a merkel tree.
    • you must call this function within the onSuccess callback of proof generation on the frontend or after succefully receiving the proof.
        import { Identity } from '@semaphore-protocol/identity'
        import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
        import { useContractWrite, usePrepareContractWrite } from 'wagmi'
        import RECLAIM from '../../contract-artifacts/Reclaim.json'
        import {  useEffect, useState } from 'react'
        import { ethers } from 'ethers'
        import { Button, Spinner } from '@chakra-ui/react'
        export default function UserMerkelizer ({ proofObj }: any) {
        const { address } = useAccount()  
        const [identity, setIdentity] = useState<Identity>()
        useEffect(() => {
            if (!identity) {
            const newIdentity = new Identity(address)
            console.log('Generated new identity: ', newIdentity)
        }, [identity])
        const proofReq = {
            claimInfo: {
            provider: proofObj.provider,
            context: proofObj.context,
            parameters: proofObj.parameters
            signedClaim: {
            signatures: proofObj.signatures,
            claim: {
                identifier: proofObj.identifier,
                owner: ethers.computeAddress(`0x${proofObj.ownerPublicKey}`),
                timestampS: proofObj.timestampS,
                epoch: proofObj.epoch
        const { config } = usePrepareContractWrite({
            enabled: !!identity,
            // @ts-expect-error events
            address: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_RECLAIM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS!,
            abi: RECLAIM.abi,
            functionName: 'merkelizeUser',
            args: [proofReq, identity?.commitment.toString()],
            chainId: 420,
            onSuccess (data) {
                console.log('Successful - register prepare: ', data)
            onError (error) {
            if (error.message.includes('AlreadyMerkelized')) {
                console.log('This user is already merkelized!!!!')
        const contractWrite = useContractWrite(config)
        return (
            {!contractWrite.isSuccess && (
                    onClick={() => {
                    Register Identity
                {contractWrite.isLoading && <Spinner />}
  4. Completing the Action

    • Dapp Smart Contract calls airDrop() or any other relevant action.
    • the user will then submit the merkel proof to your contract. We recommend adding a non trivial time delay between calling merkelizeUser and submitting the proof to your contract. the more the time delay more the degree of anonymization
    • Dapp Smart Contract verifies the user's identity with the Reclaim Contract using verifyMerkleIdentity(semaphoreProof, dappId, externalNullifier,...).
    • If successful, the Reclaim Contract completes the action and emits a ProofVerified event.
    • Dapp Smart Contract completes the airdrop action successfully.
        contract DappSmartContract{
            uint256 public externalNullifier;
            bytes32 public dappId;
            ReclaimInterface private Reclaim;
            funtion airDrop(
                    string memory provider,
                    uint256 _merkleTreeRoot,
                    uint256 _signal,
                    uint256 _nullifierHash,
                    uint256[8] calldata _proof
                ) external {
                    uint256 groupId = calculateGroupIdFromProvider(provider);
                    // continue action
    • Note: if Reclaim.verifyMerkleIdentity() call never reverted the airDrop will continue and the airDrop will completed successsfully, otherwise, airDrop will be reverted since something went wrong when verifying the identity.


  1. GroupId is calculated from the provider string:
function calculateGroupIdFromProvider(
		string memory provider
	) internal pure returns (uint256) {
		bytes memory providerBytes = bytes(provider);
		bytes memory hashedProvider = abi.encodePacked(keccak256(providerBytes));
		uint256 groupId = BytesUtils.bytesToUInt(hashedProvider, 32);
		return groupId;