ROS wrapper for CUDA Visual Library by RPG.
Tested with ROS melodic with custom OpenCV installation. (3.4.10)
The following packages are required for the vilib_ros wrapper.
Ensure that the CUDA toolkit has been installed:
The library could be found here, follow the installation steps to install the library.
- vision_opencv:
$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-vision-opencv
- image pipeline:
$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-image-pipeline
There are 2 nodes for this package, which are:
- vilib_ros_node: FAST corner detection via the vilib FAST library
- vilib_ros_tracker: Lucas - Kanade Feature Tracking via the vilib FAST library
Input image from camera.
FAST feature keypoints detected from the image.
Image overlayed with detected keypoints.
Input image from camera.
Track points detected from the image.
Image overlayed with detected tracking points.
A custom msg type is used to publish the various feature keypoints in the /fast_pts
topic. The structure is as follows:
time stamp: The timestamp when the topic is published.
geometry_msgs/Point[] points: The FAST features detected, stored as an array of geometry_msgs/Point.
int32 size: The number of points detcted in the current frame.
Note: The z parameter of the geometry_msgs/Point in
is not used, whereas the z parameter of the geometry_msgs/Point invilib_ros_tracker
is used as the tracking point ID.
This wrapper supports dynamic reconfiguration of the various parameters for the nodes! Launch rqt_reconfigure
and adjust the parameters accordingly.
$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
- PYRAMID_LEVELS: Pyramid level
- FAST_EPSILON: Threshold for feature detection
- FAST_MIN_ARC_LENGTH: Threshold for feature detection
- FAST_SCORE: FAST_SCORE Setter (Sum of absolute differences/Maximum threshold value)
- HORIZONTAL_BORDER: Horizontal image detection padding
- VERTICAL_BORDER: Vertical image detection padding
- CELL_SIZE_WIDTH: NMS cell width
- CELL_SIZE_HEIGHT: NMS cell height
- FRAME_IMAGE_PYRAMID_LEVELS: Image pre-processing pyramid level
- FEATURE_DETECTOR_MIN_LEVEL: Image pre-processing pyramid level (Minimum)
- FEATURE_DETECTOR_MAX_LEVEL: Image pre-processing pyramid level (Maximum)
- FEATURE_DETECTOR_HORIZONTAL_BORDER: Horizontal image detection padding
- FEATURE_DETECTOR_VERTICAL_BORDER: Vertical image detection padding
- FEATURE_DETECTOR_FAST_EPISLON: Threshold for feature detection
- FEATURE_DETECTOR_FAST_SCORE: FAST_SCORE Setter (Sum of absolute differences/Maximum threshold value)
- If there is compilaion issue of cv_bridge caused by the being unable to locate the OpenCV path, the cv_bridge cmake have to be updated to point to the new path. For example, updating the path
if(NOT "include;/usr/include;/usr/include/opencv" STREQUAL " ")
set(cv_bridge_INCLUDE_DIRS "")
set(_include_dirs "include;/usr/include;/usr/include/opencv")
if(NOT "include;/usr/local;/usr/local/opencv/include" STREQUAL " ")
set(cv_bridge_INCLUDE_DIRS "")
set(_include_dirs "include;/usr/local/opencv/include;/usr/local/opencv/include/opencv2")
Licensed under the MIT License.