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Previously Corner Kick, the UBC Thunderbots visualizer used from 2018-2019

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Corner Kick

Corner Kick is a web app that allows for the visualization of UBC Thunderbots' AI.

application screenshot

Table of content

How to use

You can start the visualizer by running:

roslaunch corner_kick corner_kick.launch


Running the dev server

You can launch the application by running:

roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

and in another window:

yarn start

A window should open with the application in development mode.


You can test the code by running

yarn test

To be able to run tests everytime a file changes, run

yarn test:watch

Visual Testing

You can test the various UI elements by running

yarn storybook

A window should appear showing the various UI elements of Corner Kick

Project Structure

The project is defined as follow:

  • config - contains webpack (build tool) configuration files
  • launch - contains roslaunch file
  • scripts - contains build related scripts
  • src
    • assets - contains image assets
    • components - contains repeatable UI components
    • containers - contains high-level UI components (logger, visualizer, etc.)
    • constants - contains fixed values used throughout the application
    • store - contains logic for the application Redux state
    • style - contains application styling and theming
    • types - contains all Typescript types
    • utils - contains misc code
  • storybook - contains Storybook config
  • .prettierrc - configuration for autoformating tool
  • CMakeLists.txt - cmake build script
  • common.d.ts - definition file for file assets
  • package.json - specifies dependencies, dev and build scripts.
  • package.xml - specifies ros dependencies
  • tsconfig.json - configuration file for typescript compiler
  • tslint.json - configuration for typescript linter
  • yarn.lock - autogenerated lock file for javascript dependencies

Design notes

Additional notes


We are using a fixed version of Yarn in this project, to ensure that all developers are using the same tooling for this project. As such, Yarn is included in this project in the scripts directory. Regardless of the version of Yarn installed on your system, it will detect the committed version and use that instead.

Currently, we are using Yarn version 1.13.0.

Approach to the application UI layout

The visualizer will consist of multiple pages, each of which serve a single purpose. Each page will be divided into sections as follow:

  • Main: Contains the primary focus of the page
  • Sidebar title: Contains the page title and additional options specific to the page
  • Sidebar: Contains additional controls or information relevant to the current page
  • Sidebar control: Contains navigation controls to switch between pages
  • Console: Contains views visible across the application
  • Footer: Contains simple breadcrumbs of information relevant to the application as a whole or to the current page

The application's primary layout is defined in index.html. The theme for the application is defined in Theme.tsx

Approach to the application state

We are using Redux to manage the application state. Simply put, in Redux, the state is an immutable object. It can only be replaced by a new version of itself when some sort of action occurs in the application. This action is captured by a reducer function, which accepts the current state and the action, and returns a new state, with potentially new values based on the action received.

React, then, becomes an extension of the global Redux state and does not contain state of its own. When the global state changes, the React UI will automagically change to adapt to the new state.

Debugging the Redux store

You can debug the Redux store by installing the Redux debugger on Chrome or Firefox. It allows to observe all actions and changes to the Redux state happening inside the application.

Reducer functions and Redux saga

Reducer functions are the cornerstone of the Redux approach. Once a Redux action is dispatched, reducer functions determine what the new state will look like as a result of the action sent. Reducer functions do not permit for any side-effects to ensure a deterministic behaviour. For a state and action, the same new state should be returned by the reducer funtion. This, however, does not permit for more complex logic, such as communicating with ROS, to occur. To allow for this, we introduce sagas, which can intercept and act on Redux action. They can conduct some business logic work, and reflect the result of this work in the state by emmiting a Redux action when needed.

For more information about reducer functions, read the official Redux doc on that topic. For more information about Redux sagas, read the official Redux saga doc.


Previously Corner Kick, the UBC Thunderbots visualizer used from 2018-2019






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