Jupyter notebook talk given at PyHEP 2021 on distributed statistical inference with pyhf
In a Python virtual environment run the following
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python -m pip install -r binder/requirements.txt
To use funcX
requires the use of Gloubs and so will require you to first login to a Globus account to use the funcx-sdk
. Globus allows authentication through existing organizational logins or through Google accounts or ORCID iD so this shouldn't be a barrier to use.
First create the environment by clone this repository down to EXPANSE under your user area HOME
and then running the environment creation script
$ cd expanse
$ bash create_expanse_funcx_env.sh
This will take a long time as it uses Conda which can be very slow. In the future, the environment can be setup by simply sourcing the setup script
$ . expanse/setup_expanse_funcx_env.sh